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Gene Review

SPR  -  sepiapterin reductase (7,8...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: SDR38C1, Sepiapterin reductase
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Disease relevance of SPR

  • Thus, autosomal recessive SR deficiency leads to BH(4) and to neurotransmitter deficiencies without hyperphenylalaninemia and may not be detected by neonatal screening for phenylketonuria [1].
  • These data demonstrate that SPR mRNA expression is significantly reduced in patients with HIV infection [2].
  • This confirms a previous study showing that SPR potentially modulates the onset of or risk for Parkinson's disease [3].
  • SR mRNA expression is absent in the human NK-like cell line YT and in the murine erythroleukemia subclone B8/3, which both lack SR activity [4].
  • To identify the G proteins involved in the function of human substance P receptor (hSPR), the receptor was expressed in Sf9 cells using the baculovirus expression system [5].

Psychiatry related information on SPR


High impact information on SPR


Chemical compound and disease context of SPR


Biological context of SPR


Anatomical context of SPR


Associations of SPR with chemical compounds


Enzymatic interactions of SPR


Other interactions of SPR

  • Whereas TH protein showed a restricted localization, being mainly detected in the SN and CN, SPR protein was detected in all brain regions examined [19].
  • The results indicate that there might be a BH4 biosynthetic pathway where GCH is not involved and that SPR might have some yet unidentified function(s) in addition to BH4 biosynthesis [19].
  • The sepiapterin reductase gene region reveals association in the PARK3 locus: analysis of familial and sporadic Parkinson's disease in European populations [3].
  • In order to investigate their putative function and biosynthetic regulation, we performed quantitative analysis of not only the intracellular pteridines by HPLC but also the biosynthetic enzymes (GTP cyclohydrolase I, 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase, SR, and aldose reductase-like enzyme) by Northern blot analysis and activity assay [25].
  • We found that both SR transcript and activity increased in parallel with a remarkable decline in aldose reductase-like enzyme activity when BH4 increased transiently in the early development [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SPR

  • The purpose of this study was to characterize intestinal mucosal SPR mRNA expression in control, HIV and IBD patients using semiquantitative reverse transcription PCR [2].
  • In contrast, uniform increases in mucosal SP receptor (SPR) have been described in patients with IBD using quantitative autoradiography [2].
  • This was achieved by photoaffinity labeling of G(alpha)-subunits with [32P]azidoanilido-GTP ([32P]AA-GTP) upon hSPR stimulation in CHO-hSPR membranes followed by immunoprecipitation of the labeled G(alpha)-subunits with antibodies specific for various G(alpha)-subunits [22].
  • The physical properties of the mutants were carefully examined by gel-filtration chromatography, CD, and NMR spectroscopy, and the biological activities were assessed by an in vitro SPR bioassay and three in vivo bioassays: binding to cells, blocking virus infection and blocking cell fusion [26].
  • SPR biosensor studies of the direct interaction between 27 drugs and a liposome surface: correlation with fraction absorbed in humans [27].


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