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Gene Review

EVPL  -  envoplakin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 210 kDa cornified envelope precursor protein, 210 kDa paraneoplastic pemphigus antigen, EVPK, Envoplakin, p210
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Disease relevance of EVPL


High impact information on EVPL


Chemical compound and disease context of EVPL


Biological context of EVPL

  • Mutation analysis of EVPL in the three affected families failed to show tylosis-specific mutations, and haplotype analysis of three intragenic sequence polymorphisms of the EVPL gene placed it proximal to D17S1839 [3].
  • The EVPL gene has been mapped to the tylosis oesophageal cancer (TOC) locus on chromosome 17q25, where it has been demonstrated to be frequently deleted in both familial and sporadic forms of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (OSC) [13].
  • In this study, we examined EVPL gene mutations in 10 OSC cell lines and 20 sporadic OSCs using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformational analysis (RT-PCR SSCP) followed by direct sequencing [13].
  • The rate of EVPL gene mutation was quite low in contrast to the frequency of LOH on the TOC locus in sporadic OSCs, and the high incidence of oesophageal cancer development in tylosis families [13].
  • The exon-intron structure of the mouse envoplakin gene is common to all members of the plakin family: the N-terminal protein domain is encoded by 21 small exons, and the central rod domain and the C-terminal globular domain are coded by a single large exon [14].

Anatomical context of EVPL


Associations of EVPL with chemical compounds

  • Periplakin, a novel component of cornified envelopes and desmosomes that belongs to the plakin family and forms complexes with envoplakin [19].
  • Together, these data indicate that involucrin, envoplakin, periplakin, and possibly other structural proteins serve as substrates for the attachment of ceramides by ester linkages to the CE for barrier function in human epidermis [20].
  • These findings raise the possibility that envoplakin and periplakin bind to the plasma membrane upon elevation of intracellular [Ca(2+)] in differentiating keratinocytes, where they serve as a scaffold for cornified cell envelope assembly [16].
  • Essentially only one lysine and two glutamine residues of involucrin and two glutamines of envoplakin were used initially [17].
  • Upon brefeldin A treatment, p210 did not redistribute in the ER as did other Golgi proteins [21].

Other interactions of EVPL


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of EVPL


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  8. Paraneoplastic pemphigus sera react strongly with multiple epitopes on the various regions of envoplakin and periplakin, except for the c-terminal homologous domain of periplakin. Nagata, Y., Karashima, T., Watt, F.M., Salmhofer, W., Kanzaki, T., Hashimoto, T. J. Invest. Dermatol. (2001) [Pubmed]
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