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Gene Review

Tgfbr3  -  transforming growth factor, beta receptor III

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 1110036H20Rik, AU015626, AW215636, Betaglycan, TBRIII, ...
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High impact information on Tgfbr3

  • Recently, betaglycan and inhibin binding protein (InhBP/p120, also known as the product of immunoglobulin superfamily gene 1 [IGSF1]) were identified as candidate inhibin coreceptors, shedding light on the molecular basis of how inhibins may affect target cells [1].
  • Betaglycan promoter activity was increased by RA and inhibited by the three isoforms of TGF-beta [2].
  • These results indicate that betaglycan expression is up-regulated during myogenesis and that MyoD and RA modulate its expression by a mechanism that is independent of myogenin [2].
  • Betaglycan is a membrane-anchored proteoglycan co-receptor that binds transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) via its core protein and basic fibroblast growth factor through its glycosaminoglycan chains [2].
  • Forced expression of betaglycan in C(2)C(12) myoblasts increases their responsiveness to TGF-beta2, suggesting that it performs a TGF-beta presentation function in this cell lineage [2].

Biological context of Tgfbr3


Anatomical context of Tgfbr3


Associations of Tgfbr3 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Tgfbr3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tgfbr3


  1. Normal reproductive function in InhBP/p120-deficient mice. Bernard, D.J., Burns, K.H., Haupt, B., Matzuk, M.M., Woodruff, T.K. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Betaglycan expression is transcriptionally up-regulated during skeletal muscle differentiation. Cloning of murine betaglycan gene promoter and its modulation by MyoD, retinoic acid, and transforming growth factor-beta. Lopez-Casillas, F., Riquelme, C., Perez-Kato, Y., Ponce-Castaneda, M.V., Osses, N., Esparza-Lopez, J., Gonzalez-Nunez, G., Cabello-Verrugio, C., Mendoza, V., Troncoso, V., Brandan, E. J. Biol. Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Abrogation of betaglycan attenuates TGF-beta-mediated inhibition of embryonic murine lung branching morphogenesis in culture. P2ao, J., Tefft, J.D., Lee, M., Smith, S., Warburton, D. Mech. Dev. (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. Murine betaglycan primary structure, expression and glycosaminoglycan attachment sites. Ponce-Castañeda, M.V., Esparza-López, J., Vilchis-Landeros, M.M., Mendoza, V., López-Casillas, F. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1998) [Pubmed]
  5. Taenia crassiceps cysticercosis: humoral immune response and protection elicited by DNA immunization. Rosas, G., Cruz-Revilla, C., Fragoso, G., López-Casillas, F., Pérez, A., Bonilla, M.A., Rosales, R., Sciutto, E. J. Parasitol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  6. Binding of two growth factor families to separate domains of the proteoglycan betaglycan. Andres, J.L., DeFalcis, D., Noda, M., Massagué, J. J. Biol. Chem. (1992) [Pubmed]
  7. Dexamethasone enhancement of betaglycan (TGF-beta type III receptor) gene expression in osteoblast-like cells. Nakayama, H., Ichikawa, F., Andres, J.L., Massagué, J., Noda, M. Exp. Cell Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
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