Gene Review:
vnd - ventral nervous system defective
Drosophila melanogaster
CG6172, Dm vnd, Dm-NK2, Dmel\CG6172, EC6, ...
- Regulated vnd expression is required for both neural and glial specification in Drosophila. Mellerick, D.M., Modica, V. J. Neurobiol. (2002)
- Dorsoventral patterning in the Drosophila central nervous system: the intermediate neuroblasts defective homeobox gene specifies intermediate column identity. Weiss, J.B., Von Ohlen, T., Mellerick, D.M., Dressler, G., Doe, C.Q., Scott, M.P. Genes Dev. (1998)
- Dorsoventral patterning in the Drosophila central nervous system: the vnd homeobox gene specifies ventral column identity. McDonald, J.A., Holbrook, S., Isshiki, T., Weiss, J., Doe, C.Q., Mellerick, D.M. Genes Dev. (1998)
- vnd, a gene required for early neurogenesis of Drosophila, encodes a homeodomain protein. Jiménez, F., Martin-Morris, L.E., Velasco, L., Chu, H., Sierra, J., Rosen, D.R., White, K. EMBO J. (1995)
- Segment-specific requirements for dorsoventral patterning genes during early brain development in Drosophila. Urbach, R., Volland, D., Seibert, J., Technau, G.M. Development (2006)
- Convergence of dorsal, dpp, and egfr signaling pathways subdivides the drosophila neuroectoderm into three dorsal-ventral columns. von Ohlen, T., Doe, C.Q. Dev. Biol. (2000)
- Ventral dominance governs sequential patterns of gene expression across the dorsal-ventral axis of the neuroectoderm in the Drosophila embryo. Cowden, J., Levine, M. Dev. Biol. (2003)
- Differential rescue of visceral and cardiac defects in Drosophila by vertebrate tinman-related genes. Park, M., Lewis, C., Turbay, D., Chung, A., Chen, J.N., Evans, S., Breitbart, R.E., Fishman, M.C., Izumo, S., Bodmer, R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1998)
- The Caenorhabditis elegans NK-2 homeobox gene ceh-22 activates pharyngeal muscle gene expression in combination with pha-1 and is required for normal pharyngeal development. Okkema, P.G., Ha, E., Haun, C., Chen, W., Fire, A. Development (1997)
- Dorsal-ventral patterning genes restrict NK-2 homeobox gene expression to the ventral half of the central nervous system of Drosophila embryos. Mellerick, D.M., Nirenberg, M. Dev. Biol. (1995)
- Distortion of the three-dimensional structure of the vnd/NK-2 homeodomain bound to DNA induced by an embryonically lethal A35T point mutation. Hwang, K.J., Xiang, B., Gruschus, J.M., Nam, K.Y., No, K.T., Nirenberg, M., Ferretti, J.A. Biochemistry (2003)
- Identification and analysis of vnd/NK-2 homeodomain binding sites in genomic DNA. Wang, L.H., Chmelik, R., Tang, D., Nirenberg, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- The ventral nervous system defective gene controls proneural gene expression at two distinct steps during neuroblast formation in Drosophila. Skeath, J.B., Panganiban, G.F., Carroll, S.B. Development (1994)
- Nk6, a novel Drosophila homeobox gene regulated by vnd. Uhler, J., Garbern, J., Yang, L., Kamholz, J., Mellerick, D.M. Mech. Dev. (2002)
- EGF receptor signaling induces pointed P1 transcription and inactivates Yan protein in the Drosophila embryonic ventral ectoderm. Gabay, L., Scholz, H., Golembo, M., Klaes, A., Shilo, B.Z., Klämbt, C. Development (1996)
- Mutations that affect the ability of the vnd/NK-2 homeoprotein to regulate gene expression: transgenic alterations and tertiary structure. Koizumi, K., Lintas, C., Nirenberg, M., Maeng, J.S., Ju, J.H., Mack, J.W., Gruschus, J.M., Odenwald, W.F., Ferretti, J.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- Interaction between Drosophila EGF receptor and vnd determines three dorsoventral domains of the neuroectoderm. Yagi, Y., Suzuki, T., Hayashi, S. Development (1998)
- The vnd/NK-2 homeodomain: thermodynamics of reversible unfolding and DNA binding for wild-type and with residue replacements H52R and H52R/T56W in helix III. Gonzalez, M., Weiler, S., Ferretti, J.A., Ginsburg, A. Biochemistry (2001)