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Glossopharyngeal Nerve

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Disease relevance of Glossopharyngeal Nerve


High impact information on Glossopharyngeal Nerve

  • Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of activities of taste receptor cells isolated from circumvallate papillae (innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve) demonstrated that leptin activated outward K(+) currents, which resulted in hyperpolarization of taste cells [2].
  • In addition, the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves appeared abnormal in approximately 50% of mutant embryos, which may be related to the observed reduction of Phox2b expression in the nucleus ambiguus of adult mutant mice [3].
  • R-cadherin is not expressed by sensory fibers, but is expressed by the visceral motor system of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves, which are N-cadherin negative [4].
  • We also recorded the neural activity from the glossopharyngeal nerve during stimulation with thaumatin, sucrose, citric acid, and NaCl [5].
  • Finally, we studied the role of sensory projections to the CNS by examining petrosal TH after glossopharyngeal nerve rhizotomy [6].

Anatomical context of Glossopharyngeal Nerve


Associations of Glossopharyngeal Nerve with chemical compounds


Gene context of Glossopharyngeal Nerve

  • Using an immunocytochemical method, we examined the expression of BDNF and its receptor, TrkB, in the taste bud cells of the circumvallate papillae of normal mice and of mice after transection of the glossopharyngeal nerves [17].
  • Hoxa3 regulates integration of glossopharyngeal nerve precursor cells [18].
  • After bisection of the glossopharyngeal nerves, NeuroD-expressing cells decreased in number at day 4 and disappeared from the trench wall of the circumvallate papillae by day 14 [19].
  • The distribution of calbindin D28k (CB)-like immunoreactivity (-LI) in the circumvallate papilla (CVP) was examined during development and regeneration following bilateral crush injury to the glossopharyngeal nerve in the rat [20].
  • The otic and optic vesicles were also strongly GH immunoreactive, as were the Vth (semi-lunar), VIIth (facial), VIIIth (acoustic) and IXth (glossopharyngeal) nerve ganglia [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Glossopharyngeal Nerve


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