MeSH Review:
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
- Aspiration and infection in the elderly : epidemiology, diagnosis and management. Kikawada, M., Iwamoto, T., Takasaki, M. Drugs & aging. (2005)
- Leptin as a modulator of sweet taste sensitivities in mice. Kawai, K., Sugimoto, K., Nakashima, K., Miura, H., Ninomiya, Y. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)
- Targeted disruption of the homeobox gene Nkx2.9 reveals a role in development of the spinal accessory nerve. Pabst, O., Rummelies, J., Winter, B., Arnold, H.H. Development (2003)
- Restricted expression of N- and R-cadherin on neurites of the developing chicken CNS. Redies, C., Inuzuka, H., Takeichi, M. J. Neurosci. (1992)
- Evidence for a novel mechanism of binding and release of stimuli in the primate taste bud. Farbman, A.I., Hellekant, G. J. Neurosci. (1989)
- Expression and regulation of catecholaminergic traits in primary sensory neurons: relationship to target innervation in vivo. Katz, D.M., Black, I.B. J. Neurosci. (1986)
- Effects of gustatory deafferentation on Polycose and sucrose appetite in the rat. Vigorito, M., Sclafani, A., Jacquin, M.F. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. (1987)
- Nature and origin of cerebrovascular nerves with substance P immunoreactivity in bats (Mammalia: Microchiroptera), with special reference to species differences. Ando, K., Ishikawa, A., Okura, N. J. Comp. Neurol. (1994)
- The microsurgical anatomy of the jugular foramen. Ayeni, S.A., Ohata, K., Tanaka, K., Hakuba, A. J. Neurosurg. (1995)
- Cardio-ventilatory control in rainbow trout: I. Pharmacology of branchial, oxygen-sensitive chemoreceptors. Burleson, M.L., Milsom, W.K. Respiration physiology. (1995)
- Selective excitation of parasympathetic nerve fibers to elicit the vasodilatation in cat lip. Izumi, H., Karita, K. J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. (1992)
- A novel O2-sensing mechanism in rat glossopharyngeal neurones mediated by a halothane-inhibitable background K+ conductance. Campanucci, V.A., Fearon, I.M., Nurse, C.A. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (2003)
- Specificity of mono- and divalent salt transduction mechanisms in frog gustation evidenced by cobalt chloride treatment. Herness, M.S. J. Neurophysiol. (1991)
- Effects of glossopharyngeal nerve transection on central and peripheral cytokines and serum corticosterone induced by localized inflammation. Romeo, H.E., Tio, D.L., Taylor, A.N. J. Neuroimmunol. (2003)
- Cranial and cervical nerve injuries after repeat carotid endarterectomy. AbuRahma, A.F., Choueiri, M.A. J. Vasc. Surg. (2000)
- Capsaicin induces cystatin S-like substances in submandibular saliva of the rat. Katsukawa, H., Ninomiya, Y. J. Dent. Res. (1999)
- Expression of BDNF and TrkB in mouse taste buds after denervation and in circumvallate papillae during development. Uchida, N., Kanazawa, M., Suzuki, Y., Takeda, M. Arch. Histol. Cytol. (2003)
- Hoxa3 regulates integration of glossopharyngeal nerve precursor cells. Watari, N., Kameda, Y., Takeichi, M., Chisaka, O. Dev. Biol. (2001)
- Expression of NeuroD in the mouse taste buds. Suzuki, Y., Takeda, M., Obara, N. Cell Tissue Res. (2002)
- Calbindin D28k-like immunoreactivity in the developing and regenerating circumvallate papilla of the rat. Miyawaki, Y., Morisaki, I., Tabata, M.J., Maeda, T., Kurisu, K., Wakisaka, S. Cell Tissue Res. (1998)
- Growth hormone in neural tissues of the chick embryo. Harvey, S., Johnson, C.D., Sanders, E.J. J. Endocrinol. (2001)
- The effect of glossopharyngeal nerve block on pain after elective adult tonsillectomy and uvulopalatoplasty. Bell, K.R., Cyna, A.M., Lawler, K.M., Sinclair, C., Kelly, P.J., Millar, F., Flood, L.M. Anaesthesia. (1997)
- Rostral ventrolateral medulla catechol involvement upon sino-aortic deafferentation: an in vivo voltammetric study. Rentero, N., Bruandet, N., Quintin, L. Life Sci. (2000)
- Behavioral discrimination between glutamate and the four basic taste substances in mice. Ninomiya, Y., Funakoshi, M. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology. (1989)