Gene Review:
TLE4 - transducin-like enhancer of split 4
Homo sapiens
BCE-1, BCE1, E(spI), ESG, ESG4, ...
- Patterns of gene expression in pituitary carcinomas and adenomas analyzed by high-density oligonucleotide arrays, reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR, and protein expression. Ruebel, K.H., Leontovich, A.A., Jin, L., Stilling, G.A., Zhang, H., Qian, X., Nakamura, N., Scheithauer, B.W., Kovacs, K., Lloyd, R.V. Endocrine (2006)
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- Groucho suppresses Pax2 transactivation by inhibition of JNK-mediated phosphorylation. Cai, Y., Brophy, P.D., Levitan, I., Stifani, S., Dressler, G.R. EMBO J. (2003)
- Endothelin-1 induces expression of matrix-associated genes in lung fibroblasts through MEK/ERK. Xu, S.W., Howat, S.L., Renzoni, E.A., Holmes, A., Pearson, J.D., Dashwood, M.R., Bou-Gharios, G., Denton, C.P., du Bois, R.M., Black, C.M., Leask, A., Abraham, D.J. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- Corecruitment of the Grg4 repressor by PU.1 is critical for Pax5-mediated repression of B-cell-specific genes. Linderson, Y., Eberhard, D., Malin, S., Johansson, A., Busslinger, M., Pettersson, S. EMBO Rep. (2004)
- Delineation of the minimal commonly deleted segment and identification of candidate tumor-suppressor genes in del(9q) acute myeloid leukemia. Sweetser, D.A., Peniket, A.J., Haaland, C., Blomberg, A.A., Zhang, Y., Zaidi, S.T., Dayyani, F., Zhao, Z., Heerema, N.A., Boultwood, J., Dewald, G.W., Paietta, E., Slovak, M.L., Willman, C.L., Wainscoat, J.S., Bernstein, I.D., Daly, S.B. Genes Chromosomes Cancer (2005)
- A new Groucho TLE4 protein may regulate the repressive activity of Pax5 in human B lymphocytes. Milili, M., Gauthier, L., Veran, J., Mattei, M.G., Schiff, C. Immunology (2002)
- Combinatorial expression patterns of individual TLE proteins during cell determination and differentiation suggest non-redundant functions for mammalian homologs of Drosophila Groucho. Yao, J., Liu, Y., Husain, J., Lo, R., Palaparti, A., Henderson, J., Stifani, S. Dev. Growth Differ. (1998)
- Molecular cloning and expression of mouse and human cDNA encoding AES and ESG proteins with strong similarity to Drosophila enhancer of split groucho protein. Miyasaka, H., Choudhury, B.K., Hou, E.W., Li, S.S. Eur. J. Biochem. (1993)
- Purification and characterization of a new endo-1,4-beta-D-glucanase from Beltraniella portoricensis. Baba, Y., Shimonaka, A., Koga, J., Murashima, K., Kubota, H., Kono, T. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. (2005)
- Expression of avian Groucho-related genes (Grgs) during embryonic development. Van Hateren, N., Belsham, A., Randall, V., Borycki, A.G. Gene Expr. Patterns (2005)
- Transcutaneous electrosigmoidography. Study of the myoelectric activity of sigmoid colon by surface electrodes. Shafik, A. Front. Biosci. (1996)
- Duplicated members of the Groucho/Tle gene family in fish. Aghaallaei, N., Bajoghli, B., Walter, I., Czerny, T. Dev. Dyn. (2005)