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Gene Review

RAD14  -  Rad14p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: DNA repair protein RAD14, YM8325.02C, YMR201C
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Disease relevance of RAD14


High impact information on RAD14

  • Importantly, the abolishment of NER, by abrogation of RAD1 or RAD14, completely stopped repair of UV damage even during G2/M phase [3].
  • The post-UV histone modifications and chromatin remodeling at the repressed MFA2 promoter do not activate MFA2 transcriptionally, nor do they require damage recognition by Rad4p or Rad14p [4].
  • Rad1-Rad10 forms a ternary complex with the DNA damage recognition protein Rad14, providing a means for targeting this nuclease to the damage site [5].
  • Removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from damaged DNA by enzymatic photoreactivation has no effect on binding, strongly suggesting that RAD14 recognizes pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone photoproduct sites [6].
  • To examine this model further, we have constructed a histidine-tagged version of the yeast DNA damage recognition protein Rad14 [7].

Biological context of RAD14

  • To accomplish this, we have deleted one of the genes essential for NER in yeast, namely, RAD14, both in the context of an otherwise DNA repair-proficient strain (Deltarad14) and in a BER-defective isogenic derivative lacking the MAG1 gene (Deltamag1rad14) [2].
  • The second assay uses the apn1 apn2 rad14 triple mutant, which is viable but exhibits a spontaneous mutator phenotype [8].
  • Yeast DNA repair protein RAD23 promotes complex formation between transcription factor TFIIH and DNA damage recognition factor RAD14 [9].
  • The results also indicate that monoadduct formation by CDDP or 8-MOP at the doses used is not sufficient to delay S-phase in the rad14 Delta mutant [10].
  • S-phase delay was not observed after ICL damage introduced by cisplatin (CDDP) or 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) during the G1-phase, in any of the above mutants, or in an isogenic rad14 Delta mutant deficient in nucleotide excision repair [10].

Anatomical context of RAD14

  • (4) Leaky alleles of rad1, rad3 and rad14 show a very marked difference in repair rates of the two lesions, rather like the human XPA revertant cell line XP129 and the Chinese hamster mutants UV61 and V-H1 [11].

Associations of RAD14 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of RAD14

  • Low-molecular-weight DNA was observed in rad14 cdc9 and rad16 cdc9 strains [15].
  • The RAD4 and RAD14 genes have a particular role in repair following exposure to those ethylating agents that preferentially alkylate oxygen, but not to those that preferentially ethylate nitrogen [16].
  • The rad23 mutation does not suppress the high UV sensitivity of completely NER-deficient rad1 or rad14 strains [17].
  • Our data indicate that DNA damage is not the main determinant for cell killing by photodynamic treatment and that the type of damage induced is apparently not subject to RAD14- or RAD52 controlled repair [18].
  • Complex formation with damage recognition protein Rad14 is essential for Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad1-Rad10 nuclease to perform its function in nucleotide excision repair in vivo [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RAD14


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