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Gene Review

RAD1  -  Rad1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: DNA repair protein RAD1, YPL022W
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Disease relevance of RAD1

  • The collected experiments reveal a profound toxicity of strand breaks with irreparable 3' blocking lesions, and extend the function of the Rad1/Rad10 salvage pathway to 3'-phosphates [1].
  • None of the mutants demonstrated appreciable change in sensitivity to JM216 presumably as a consequence of a lack of resistance of the wild-type strain, whereas a moderate increase in sensitivity to JM335 was observed for most of the mutants, and hypersensitivity to BBR3464 was observed only in rad1 and -3 [2].

High impact information on RAD1


Biological context of RAD1


Anatomical context of RAD1

  • Using the 'two-hybrid' genetic assay system we now report that Rad1 and Rad10 proteins are subunits of a specific complex in the cell nucleus [12].
  • (4) Leaky alleles of rad1, rad3 and rad14 show a very marked difference in repair rates of the two lesions, rather like the human XPA revertant cell line XP129 and the Chinese hamster mutants UV61 and V-H1 [13].

Associations of RAD1 with chemical compounds

  • The source of these phosphates remains enigmatic, however, because apn1 tpp1 rad1 slow growth could be correlated with neither the presence of a yeast delta-lyase, the activity of the 3'-phosphate-generating enzyme Tdp1, nor levels of endogenous oxidation [1].
  • The yeast RAD2, but not RAD1, gene is involved in the transcription-coupled repair of thymine glycols [14].
  • By hydroxylamine mutagenesis, we have identified a rad1 mutant allele whose encoded protein fails to complex with RAD10 [15].
  • The inactivation of Rad1 or Rad10 in GCR mutator strains also slightly enhanced methyl methanesulfonate sensitivity [16].
  • Deleting uracil glycosylase suppressed both tpp1 apn1 rad1 and apn1 apn2 rad1 growth defects by reducing the abasic site burden [17].

Physical interactions of RAD1

  • The RAD1/RAD10 complex is highly stable, being refractory to 1 M NaCl and to low concentrations of SDS [15].
  • Studies on rad1 delta rad52-8 strains show that these mutations interact synergistically in the presence or absence of HOT1, resulting in low levels of recombination [18].

Other interactions of RAD1

  • In fact, apn1 apn2 rad1 triple mutants can form microcolonies of approximately 300 cells [19].
  • RAD10, an excision repair gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is involved in the RAD1 pathway of mitotic recombination [20].
  • In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RAD1 and RAD52 are required for alternate pathways of mitotic recombination [21].
  • These results suggest that a RAD1-dependent function is involved in the processing of damaged DNA that results from the loss of Top3 activity, targeting such DNA for repair by recombination [22].
  • Removal of one nonhomologous DNA end during gene conversion by a RAD1- and MSH2-independent pathway [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RAD1


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  2. Sensitivity to cisplatin and platinum-containing compounds of Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad mutants. Perego, P., Zunino, F., Carenini, N., Giuliani, F., Spinelli, S., Howell, S.B. Mol. Pharmacol. (1998) [Pubmed]
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  22. Genome rearrangement in top3 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires a functional RAD1 excision repair gene. Bailis, A.M., Arthur, L., Rothstein, R. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1992) [Pubmed]
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