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Gene Review

RAD3  -  TFIIH/NER complex ATP-dependent 5'-3' DNA...

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: DNA repair helicase RAD3, General transcription and DNA repair factor IIH subunit RAD3, REM1, TFIIH subunit RAD3, YER171W
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Disease relevance of RAD3


High impact information on RAD3

  • The 85 kd and 50 kd subunits of factor b are now identified as RAD3 and SSL1 proteins, respectively; both are known to be involved in DNA repair [3].
  • DNA repair gene RAD3 of S. cerevisiae is essential for transcription by RNA polymerase II [4].
  • The RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for excision repair of ultraviolet-damaged DNA and is essential for cell viability [4].
  • Most strikingly, splicing of crs1 and rem1 is regulated by sequences located outside the coding regions, far from the target introns, a phenomenon previously observed only in metazoans [5].
  • We show that a transcription-defective allele of the Rad3p helicase, a component of the TFIIH transcription initiation factor, suppresses several phenotypes associated with defective mRNA processing and export [6].

Chemical compound and disease context of RAD3


Biological context of RAD3


Anatomical context of RAD3

  • These results were not observed when RAD10 was introduced into excision repair-defective CHO cell lines from other genetic complementation groups, nor when the yeast RAD3 gene was expressed in cells from genetic complementation group 2 [13].

Associations of RAD3 with chemical compounds

  • The product of the RAD3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for mitotic cell viability and excision repair of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers [11].
  • Our results indicate that the RAD3 gene is required for DDRA2 transcript production following NQO or MNNG treatments [14].
  • RAD3 and RAD52 genes act independently in processing DNA damage induced by high concentrations of bleomycin [15].
  • Mutation of lysine-48 to arginine in the yeast RAD3 protein abolishes its ATPase and DNA helicase activities but not the ability to bind ATP [16].
  • The sequence Gly-X-Gly-Lys-Thr, believed to be involved in the interaction with purine nucleotides in proteins that bind and hydrolyze the nucleotides, is present in the RAD3 primary structure between amino acids 45 and 49 [16].

Physical interactions of RAD3


Regulatory relationships of RAD3

  • In UV-irradiated JG-1 (rad1-1), rad3 and rad11 as well as in DEB-inactivated rad7, rad11, rad19 and rad20 the inability of LHR is a constitutive phenomenon and cannot be overcome by exogenous energy supply [19].
  • That the rad3 Arg-48 mutation inactivates the DNA and DNA.RNA helicase activities and confers a substantial reduction in the incision of UV-damaged DNA suggests a role for these activities in incision [20].

Other interactions of RAD3

  • The RAD3 and SSL2 gene products are essential proteins that are also required for the nucleotide excision repair pathway [17].
  • We found that ssl1, rad3 and tfb1 mutants, like rad25(ssl2-xp) mutants, are deficient in both the global NER and TCR pathways [21].
  • Both RAD3 and SIN4 gene products are implicated in the RNA polymerase II transcription process [22].
  • The mode of interaction in haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae of two pso mutations with each other and with rad mutations affected in their excision-resynthesis (rad3), error-prone (rad6), and deoxyribonucleic acid double-strand break (rad52) repair pathways was determined for various double mutant combinations [23].
  • Consequently, it is proposed that PSO1 and RAD3 genes govern steps in the independent pathways [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RAD3


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  8. The DNA helicase activities of Rad3 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and helicase II of Escherichia coli are differentially inhibited by covalent and noncovalent DNA modifications. Naegeli, H., Modrich, P., Friedberg, E.C. J. Biol. Chem. (1993) [Pubmed]
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  11. Analysis of the spectrum of mutations induced by the rad3-102 mutator allele of yeast. Montelone, B.A., Gilbertson, L.A., Nassar, R., Giroux, C., Malone, R.E. Mutat. Res. (1992) [Pubmed]
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