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Gene Review

pldA  -  outer membrane phospholipase A

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK3815, JW3794
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Disease relevance of pldA


High impact information on pldA

  • Dimerization results in functional oxyanion holes and substrate-binding pockets, which are absent in monomeric OMPLA [4].
  • A gene (pldA) encoding a 35.0-kDa protein with significant homology to the Escherichia coli outer membrane phospholipase was identified upstream of an operon encoding an enterochelin transport system in Campylobacter coli [3].
  • The pldA mutant was shown to have a reduced hemolytic activity compared to the wild-type strain, suggesting a role for the phospholipase A in the lysis of erythrocytes by C. coli [3].
  • These results suggest that the absence of OMPLA corrects the degP temperature-sensitive phenotype by inducing the Cpx and sigma(E) regulons rather than by inactivating the phospholipase per se [6].
  • Absence of the outer membrane phospholipase A suppresses the temperature-sensitive phenotype of Escherichia coli degP mutants and induces the Cpx and sigma(E) extracytoplasmic stress responses [6].

Chemical compound and disease context of pldA


Biological context of pldA

  • Subsequent cloning of the pldA gene was performed into the multicopy plasmid vectors pBR322 and pACYC184 [1].
  • Strains carrying the pldA gene on these high copy vectors do not appear to be affected by the product with respect to cell growth in any way [1].
  • The candidates for the promoter region of the pldA gene, the 5'-flanking region, have a significantly high AT content, while the AT content of the coding region is about the same as the average AT content of the E. coli chromosome [8].
  • The DNA sequence encoding pldA gene, the structural gene for detergent-resistant phospholipase A of E. coli [8].
  • Since mutants that lack the pldA gene were normally viable under laboratory conditions and had no apparent phenotype except for the lack of outer membrane phospholipase activity, the exact role of the enzyme remains unknown [2].

Associations of pldA with chemical compounds

  • Incubation of OM PLA with a stoichiometric amount of hexadecanesulfonyl fluoride leads to a total and irreversible loss of enzyme activity, resulting from the sulfonylation of Ser144 [7].
  • Conditions were established for the efficient folding of OMPLA in vitro in the presence of Triton X-100 [9].
  • This Ser144, which we suggest to be the active-site serine of OM PLA, is part of the sequence HDSNG, whereas in the water-soluble serine proteases and lipases the structural motif GXSXG is normally encountered [7].

Other interactions of pldA

  • From the minicell experiments the direction of transcription of pldA could be established relative to the metE gene, which is also cloned on the same hybrid plasmids [1].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of pldA


  1. Molecular cloning of pldA, the structural gene for outer membrane phospholipase of E. coli K12. de Geus, P., van Die, I., Bergmans, H., Tommassen, J., de Haas, G. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1983) [Pubmed]
  2. Molecular characterization of enterobacterial pldA genes encoding outer membrane phospholipase A. Brok, R.G., Brinkman, E., van Boxtel, R., Bekkers, A.C., Verheij, H.M., Tommassen, J. J. Bacteriol. (1994) [Pubmed]
  3. Molecular characterization of pldA, the structural gene for a phospholipase A from Campylobacter coli, and its contribution to cell-associated hemolysis. Grant, K.A., Belandia, I.U., Dekker, N., Richardson, P.T., Park, S.F. Infect. Immun. (1997) [Pubmed]
  4. Structural evidence for dimerization-regulated activation of an integral membrane phospholipase. Snijder, H.J., Ubarretxena-Belandia, I., Blaauw, M., Kalk, K.H., Verheij, H.M., Egmond, M.R., Dekker, N., Dijkstra, B.W. Nature (1999) [Pubmed]
  5. Energetics of outer membrane phospholipase A (OMPLA) dimerization. Stanley, A.M., Chuawong, P., Hendrickson, T.L., Fleming, K.G. J. Mol. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  6. Absence of the outer membrane phospholipase A suppresses the temperature-sensitive phenotype of Escherichia coli degP mutants and induces the Cpx and sigma(E) extracytoplasmic stress responses. Langen, G.R., Harper, J.R., Silhavy, T.J., Howard, S.P. J. Bacteriol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  7. Inactivation of Escherichia coli outer-membrane phospholipase A by the affinity label hexadecanesulfonyl fluoride. Evidence for an active-site serine. Horrevoets, A.J., Verheij, H.M., de Haas, G.H. Eur. J. Biochem. (1991) [Pubmed]
  8. The DNA sequence encoding pldA gene, the structural gene for detergent-resistant phospholipase A of E. coli. Homma, H., Kobayashi, T., Chiba, N., Karasawa, K., Mizushima, H., Kudo, I., Inoue, K., Ikeda, H., Sekiguchi, M., Nojima, S. J. Biochem. (1984) [Pubmed]
  9. In vitro folding of Escherichia coli outer-membrane phospholipase A. Dekker, N., Merck, K., Tommassen, J., Verheij, H.M. Eur. J. Biochem. (1995) [Pubmed]
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