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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
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Disease relevance of Proteus


High impact information on Proteus


Chemical compound and disease context of Proteus

  • One component of a factor in Proteus mirabilis (Factor 1) which specifically amplifies the induction of several liver enzymes by glucocorticoid in target cells also increases the growth inhibition of glucocorticoid on the ascitic form of L1210 cells and solid tumors of L5178Y lymphoblasts in vivo [11].
  • The structure of the colony migration factor from pathogenic Proteus mirabilis. A capsular polysaccharide that facilitates swarming [12].
  • Purification and properties of the alpha2beta2 complex of tryptophan synthetase of Proteus mirabilis [13].
  • Patterns of mutations and selection in antibodies to the phosphocholine-specific determinant in Proteus morganii [14].
  • Isolation and characterization of crystalline methylglyoxal synthetase from Proteus vulgaris [15].

Biological context of Proteus


Anatomical context of Proteus


Gene context of Proteus

  • Cloned into Escherichia coli the recB, recC and recD genes of Proteus mirabilis produce a recBCD enzyme (exoV) functional in recombination and DNA repair [24].
  • FK482 was not hydrolyzed by the TEM-1 and TEM-2 beta-lactamases but was hydrolyzed by TEM-3 and the Proteus vulgaris enzyme [25].
  • A hexamer sequence of proteus haemolysin spanning residues 32-37 (ESRRAL) has been identified which resembles biochemically, and discriminates by charge, between HLA types associated with RA (DR1, Dw4, Dw14, Dw15), and those not linked with the disease (Dw10, Dw13) [26].
  • To characterize the PldA protein further, the pldA genes of Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus vulgaris were cloned and sequenced [27].
  • The data suggest that IGF production is generally disturbed in Proteus syndrome with imbalanced levels of specific IGFBP in affected tissue [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Proteus


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