MeSH Review:
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
- Familial congenital esophageal atresia. Personal case report and review of the literature. Van Staey, M., De Bie, S., Matton, M.T., De Roose, J. Hum. Genet. (1984)
- Selected midline defect associations: a population study. Khoury, M.J., Cordero, J.F., Mulinare, J., Opitz, J.M. Pediatrics (1989)
- Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome with tracheoesophageal fistula, rectovaginal fistula, and anal atresia: variant, or new syndrome? Robb, L.J., Fraser, F.C., Der Kaloustian, V.M. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1991)
- Midline congenital anomalies: the estimated occurrence among American Indian and Alaska Native infants. Coddington, D.A., Hisnanick, J.J. Clin. Genet. (1996)
- Clinical/epidemiological analysis of malformations. Martinez-Frías, M.L., Frías, J.L., Salvador, J. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1990)
- Defects in tracheoesophageal and lung morphogenesis in Nkx2.1(-/-) mouse embryos. Minoo, P., Su, G., Drum, H., Bringas, P., Kimura, S. Dev. Biol. (1999)
- Gastrointestinal visualization during xenon-133 ventilation study in a patient with tracheoesophageal fistula. Takehara, Y., Takahashi, M., Isoda, H., Niwa, H., Mizuno, T., Kaneko, M. J. Nucl. Med. (1989)
- Lung function in children following repair of tracheoesophageal fistula. Milligan, D.W., Levison, H. J. Pediatr. (1979)
- Immunolocalization of sonic hedgehog (Shh) in developing mouse lung. Miller, L.A., Wert, S.E., Whitsett, J.A. J. Histochem. Cytochem. (2001)
- Vertebral anomalies in a new family with ODED syndrome. Piersall, L.D., Dowton, S.B., McAlister, W.H., Waggoner, D.J. Clin. Genet. (2000)
- Endoscopic patch closure of malignant esophagotracheal fistula using Histoacryl glue. Goh, P.M., Kum, C.K., Toh, E.H. Surgical endoscopy. (1994)
- Cimetidine and congenital tracheoesophageal fistula. Monies-Chass, I., Bar-Maor, J.A., Shoshany, G. Anesth. Analg. (1983)
- Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula in two infants born to hyperthyroid women receiving methimazole (Tapazol) during pregnancy. Ramírez, A., Espinosa de los Monteros, A., Parra, A., De León, B. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1992)
- Relationship between esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula and vertebral anomalies in mammalian embryos. Merei, J., Hasthorpe, S., Farmer, P., Hutson, J.M. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1998)
- A comparison between gap-length and Waterston classification as guides to mortality and morbidity after surgery for esophageal atresia. Hands, L.J., Dudley, N.E. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1986)
- Reduction of platelet counts induced by mechanical ventilation in newborn infants. Ballin, A., Koren, G., Kohelet, D., Burger, R., Greenwald, M., Bryan, A.C., Zipursky, A. J. Pediatr. (1987)
- Bone morphogenetic protein expression patterns in human esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula. Crowley, A.R., Mehta, S.S., Hembree, M.J., Preuett, B.L., Prasadan, K.L., Sharp, S.W., Yew, H., McFall, C.R., Benjes, C.L., Tulachan, S.S., Gittes, G.K., Snyder, C.L. Pediatr. Surg. Int. (2006)
- TTF-1 and HNF-3beta in the developing tracheoesophageal fistula: further evidence for the respiratory origin of the distal esophagus'. Crisera, C.A., Connelly, P.R., Marmureanu, A.R., Li, M., Rose, M.I., Longaker, M.T., Gittes, G.K. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1999)
- Lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction in esophageal atresia: nocturnal regurgitation and aspiration pneumonia. Shermeta, D.W., Whitington, P.F., Seto, D.S., Haller, J.A. J. Pediatr. Surg. (1977)
- Congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with esophageal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula, and truncus arteriosus in a premature newborn. Cunát, V., Stranák, Z., Pýcha, K., Tláskal, T., Melichar, J., Miletín, J., Janota, J., Kucera, J., Velebil, P. Pediatr. Surg. Int. (2005)
- Aberrant fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 signalling in esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula. Spilde, T.L., Bhatia, A.M., Mehta, S.S., Hembree, M.J., Preuett, B.L., Ostlie, D.J., Prasadan, K., Li, Z., Snyder, C.L., Gittes, G.K. J. Pediatr. Surg. (2004)
- Problems associated with a Nissen fundoplication following tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia repair. Curci, M.R., Dibbins, A.W. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) (1988)
- Syndrome of microcephaly, facial and hand abnormalities, tracheoesophageal fistula, duodenal atresia, and developmental delay. Feingold, M., Hall, B.D., Lacassie, Y., Martínez-Frías, M.L. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1997)
- McKusick-Kaufman syndrome associated with esophageal atresia and distal tracheoesophageal fistula: a case report and review of the literature. Pul, N., Pul, M., Gedik, Y. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1994)
- Prevention of gastroesophageal reflux using Nissen fundoplication in the staged repair of esophageal atresia with distal tracheoesophageal fistula. Ogita, S., Goto, Y., Hashimoto, K., Iwai, N., Nishioka, B., Majima, S. The Japanese journal of surgery. (1983)