Chemical Compound Review:
Histoacryl butyl 2-cyanoprop-2-enoate
ENBUCRILATE, Enbucrilato, Enbucrilatum, AG-G-48787, CHEMBL2104251, ...
- A randomized trial of endoscopic treatment of acute gastric variceal hemorrhage: N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate injection versus band ligation. Tan, P.C., Hou, M.C., Lin, H.C., Liu, T.T., Lee, F.Y., Chang, F.Y., Lee, S.D. Hepatology (2006)
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- Bleeding anal varix: adverse effects of local treatment with histoacryl. Siproudhis, L., Renet, C., Bretagne, J.F., Raoul, J.L., Heresbach, D., Gosselin, M. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (1992)
- Initial successful management of type I endoleak after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair with n-butyl cyanoacrylate adhesive. Maldonado, T.S., Rosen, R.J., Rockman, C.B., Adelman, M.A., Bajakian, D., Jacobowitz, G.R., Riles, T.S., Lamparello, P.J. J. Vasc. Surg. (2003)
- The endovascular management of visceral artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms. Tulsyan, N., Kashyap, V.S., Greenberg, R.K., Sarac, T.P., Clair, D.G., Pierce, G., Ouriel, K. J. Vasc. Surg. (2007)
- Selective salpingography and fallopian tubal occlusion with n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate: report of two cases. Pelage, J.P., Herbreteau, D., Paillon, J.F., Murray, J.M., Rymer, R., Garance, P. Radiology. (1998)
- N-2-butyl-cyanoacrylate for bleeding gastric varices: a United States pilot study and cost analysis. Greenwald, B.D., Caldwell, S.H., Hespenheide, E.E., Patrie, J.T., Williams, J., Binmoeller, K.F., Woodall, L., Haluszka, O. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (2003)
- Polysorbate-80 coating enhances uptake of polybutylcyanoacrylate (PBCA)-nanoparticles by human and bovine primary brain capillary endothelial cells. Ramge, P., Unger, R.E., Oltrogge, J.B., Zenker, D., Begley, D., Kreuter, J., Von Briesen, H. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2000)
- Successful endoscopic injection sclerotherapy with N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate following the recurrence of bleeding soon after endoscopic ligation for ruptured duodenal varices. Yoshida, Y., Imai, Y., Nishikawa, M., Nakatukasa, M., Kurokawa, M., Shibata, K., Shimomukai, H., Shimano, T., Tokunaga, K., Yonezawa, T. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (1997)
- Indirect evidence that drug brain targeting using polysorbate 80-coated polybutylcyanoacrylate nanoparticles is related to toxicity. Olivier, J.C., Fenart, L., Chauvet, R., Pariat, C., Cecchelli, R., Couet, W. Pharm. Res. (1999)
- Acute and chronic swine rete arteriovenous malformation models: effect of ethiodol and glacial acetic acid on penetration, dispersion, and injection force of N-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate. Lieber, B.B., Wakhloo, A.K., Siekmann, R., Gounis, M.J. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. (2005)
- Cobb syndrome in an infant: treatment with endovascular embolization and corticosteroid therapy: case report. Soeda, A., Sakai, N., Iihara, K., Nagata, I. Neurosurgery (2003)
- Europium fluorescence to visualize N-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate in embolized vessels of an arteriovenous malformation swine model. Calvo, W.J., Lieber, B.B., Hopkins, L.N., Wakhloo, A.K. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. (2001)
- Endoscopic histoacryl obliteration vs. propranolol in the prevention of esophagogastric variceal rebleeding: a randomized trial. Evrard, S., Dumonceau, J.M., Delhaye, M., Golstein, P., Devière, J., Le Moine, O. Endoscopy. (2003)
- Modification of a previously described arteriovenous malformation model in the swine: endovascular and combined surgical/endovascular construction and hemodynamics. Siekmann, R., Wakhloo, A.K., Lieber, B.B., Gounis, M.J., Divani, A.A., Hopkins, L.N. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. (2000)
- Evaluation of the effects of esophageal varicosclerosants on local vascular occlusion and systemic blood coagulation. Fujiki, K., Ohkusa, T., Tamura, Y., Sato, C. Gastrointest. Endosc. (1995)
- Histoacryl. Its use in aesthetic facial plastic surgery. Kamer, F.M., Joseph, J.H. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. (1989)
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- Hemobilia caused by a mycotic aneurysm of the hepatic artery treated by enbucrilate injection during ERCP. Ferrari, A.P., Ferreira, J.P., de Paulo, G.A., Líbera, E.D. Gastrointest. Endosc. (2003)
- Cyanoacrylate-fixed silicone sleds in the orbit. An animal model. McFarland, J.E., Seiff, S.R., Shorr, N. Arch. Ophthalmol. (1987)
- Delivery of loperamide across the blood-brain barrier with polysorbate 80-coated polybutylcyanoacrylate nanoparticles. Alyautdin, R.N., Petrov, V.E., Langer, K., Berthold, A., Kharkevich, D.A., Kreuter, J. Pharm. Res. (1997)
- Subsequent bleeding from ruptured intracranial aneurysms treated by wrapping or coating: a review of the long-term results in 47 cases. Cossu, M., Pau, A., Turtas, S., Viola, C., Viale, G.L. Neurosurgery (1993)
- Effect of glacial acetic acid and ethiodized oil concentration on embolization with N-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate: an in vivo investigation. Gounis, M.J., Lieber, B.B., Wakhloo, A.K., Siekmann, R., Hopkins, L.N. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. (2002)
- n-Butyl 2-cyanoacrylate--substitute for IBCA in interventional neuroradiology: histopathologic and polymerization time studies. Brothers, M.F., Kaufmann, J.C., Fox, A.J., Deveikis, J.P. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. (1989)
- Diminished genotoxicity of mitomycin C and farmorubicin included in polybutylcyanoacrylate nanoparticles. Blagoeva, P.M., Balansky, R.M., Mircheva, T.J., Simeonova, M.I. Mutat. Res. (1992)
- N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl) plus sclerotherapy versus sclerotherapy alone in the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices: a randomized prospective study. Feretis, C., Dimopoulos, C., Benakis, P., Kalliakmanis, B., Apostolidis, N. Endoscopy. (1995)
- Loading efficiency of stavudine on polybutylcyanoacrylate and methylmethacrylate-sulfopropylmethacrylate copolymer nanoparticles. Kuo, Y.C. International journal of pharmaceutics. (2005)
- Polysorbate-stabilized solid lipid nanoparticles as colloidal carriers for intravenous targeting of drugs to the brain: comparison of plasma protein adsorption patterns. Göppert, T.M., Müller, R.H. Journal of drug targeting. (2005)
- Preparation of magnetic polybutylcyanoacrylate nanospheres encapsulated with aclacinomycin A and its effect on gastric tumor. Gao, H., Wang, J.Y., Shen, X.Z., Deng, Y.H., Zhang, W. World J. Gastroenterol. (2004)
- The role of plasma proteins in brain targeting: species dependent protein adsorption patterns on brain-specific lipid drug conjugate (LDC) nanoparticles. Gessner, A., Olbrich, C., Schröder, W., Kayser, O., Müller, R.H. International journal of pharmaceutics. (2001)
- Cyanoacrylate adhesive used to stop CSF leaks during orbital surgery. Tse, D.T., Panje, W.R., Anderson, R.L. Arch. Ophthalmol. (1984)
- Experimental study of the influence of endoleak size on pressure in the aneurysm sac and the consequences of thrombosis. Schurink, G.W., Aarts, N.J., Van Baalen, J.M., Kool, L.J., Van Bockel, J.H. The British journal of surgery. (2000)
- Chyluria after radical nephrectomy treated with N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Tuck, J., Pearce, I., Pantelides, M. J. Urol. (2000)
- Cost-effectiveness of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (histoacryl) glue injections versus transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in the management of acute gastric variceal bleeding. Mahadeva, S., Bellamy, M.C., Kessel, D., Davies, M.H., Millson, C.E. Am. J. Gastroenterol. (2003)
- The use of Histoacryl for episiotomy repair. Adoni, A., Anteby, E. British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. (1991)
- Emergent treatment of a primary aortoenteric fistula with N-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate and endovascular stent. Finch, L., Heathcock, R.B., Quigley, T., Jiranek, G., Robinson, D. Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR. (2002)