MeSH Review:
Dystonic Disorders
- Myoclonus-dystonia syndrome: epsilon-sarcoglycan mutations and phenotype. Asmus, F., Zimprich, A., Tezenas Du Montcel, S., Kabus, C., Deuschl, G., Kupsch, A., Ziemann, U., Castro, M., Kühn, A.A., Strom, T.M., Vidailhet, M., Bhatia, K.P., Dürr, A., Wood, N.W., Brice, A., Gasser, T. Ann. Neurol. (2002)
- Memory-contingent saccades and the substantia nigra postulate for essential blepharospasm. Hotson, J.R., Boman, D.R. Brain (1991)
- Dopa-responsive dystonia: the spectrum of clinical manifestations in a large North American family. Nygaard, T.G., Trugman, J.M., de Yebenes, J.G., Fahn, S. Neurology (1990)
- Tetrabenazine and movement disorders. Asher, S.W., Aminoff, M.J. Neurology (1981)
- Familial essential tremor in 4 kindreds. Prospects for genetic mapping. Jankovic, J., Beach, J., Pandolfo, M., Patel, P.I. Arch. Neurol. (1997)
- Writer's cramp. Marsden, C.D., Sheehy, M.P. Trends Neurosci. (1990)
- A novel deafness/dystonia peptide gene mutation that causes dystonia in female carriers of Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome. Swerdlow, R.H., Wooten, G.F. Ann. Neurol. (2001)
- Tetrahydrobiopterin in dystonia: identification of abnormal metabolism and therapeutic trials. LeWitt, P.A., Miller, L.P., Levine, R.A., Lovenberg, W., Newman, R.P., Papavasiliou, A., Rayes, A., Eldridge, R., Burns, R.S. Neurology (1986)
- Lisuride treatment of focal dystonias. Nutt, J.G., Hammerstad, J.P., Carter, J.H., deGarmo, P.L. Neurology (1985)
- Idiopathic epilepsy and paroxysmal dyskinesia. Guerrini, R. Epilepsia (2001)
- Modulation of electromyographic activity of wrist flexor and extensor muscles in patients with writer's cramp. Valls-Solé, J., Hallett, M. Mov. Disord. (1995)
- Nicotine-sensitive writer's cramp. Murase, N., Kaji, R., Sakamoto, T., Shimazu, H., Matumoto, S., Kohar, N., Shibasaki, H., Kimura, J. Mov. Disord. (2000)
- Muscle afferent block by intramuscular injection of lidocaine for the treatment of writer's cramp. Kaji, R., Kohara, N., Katayama, M., Kubori, T., Mezaki, T., Shibasaki, H., Kimura, J. Muscle Nerve (1995)
- Cerebral and cerebellar activation in correlation to the action-induced dystonia in writer's cramp. Odergren, T., Stone-Elander, S., Ingvar, M. Mov. Disord. (1998)
- Treatment of cervical dystonia and focal hand dystonia by high cervical continuously infused intrathecal baclofen: a report of 2 cases. Dykstra, D.D., Mendez, A., Chappuis, D., Baxter, T., DesLauriers, L., Stuckey, M. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. (2005)
- Task-specific impairment of motor cortical excitation and inhibition in patients with writer's cramp. Tinazzi, M., Farina, S., Edwards, M., Moretto, G., Restivo, D., Fiaschi, A., Berardelli, A. Neurosci. Lett. (2005)
- Blink reflex studies in focal dystonias: enhanced excitability of brainstem interneurons in cranial dystonia and spasmodic torticollis. Tolosa, E., Montserrat, L., Bayes, A. Mov. Disord. (1988)
- Paroxysmal dyskinesias in childhood. Zorzi, G., Conti, C., Erba, A., Granata, T., Angelini, L., Nardocci, N. Pediatric neurology. (2003)
- Long-term efficacy of botulinum toxin A in treatment of various movement disorders over a 10-year period. Hsiung, G.Y., Das, S.K., Ranawaya, R., Lafontaine, A.L., Suchowersky, O. Mov. Disord. (2002)
- Frequency and phenotypic variability of the GAG deletion of the DYT1 gene in an unselected group of patients with dystonia. Grundmann, K., Laubis-Herrmann, U., Bauer, I., Dressler, D., Vollmer-Haase, J., Bauer, P., Stuhrmann, M., Schulte, T., Schöls, L., Topka, H., Riess, O. Arch. Neurol. (2003)
- Adult-onset focal dystonias: presentation and treatment options. Esper, G.J., Charles, P.D., Davis, T.L., Robertson, D. Tennessee medicine : journal of the Tennessee Medical Association. (1997)
- Reiter's cramp. Hughes, R.A., Keat, A.C. Ann. Rheum. Dis. (1990)
- Low striatal D2 receptor binding as assessed by [123I]IBZM SPECT in patients with writer's cramp. Horstink, C.A., Praamstra, P., Horstink, M.W., Berger, H.J., Booij, J., Van Royen, E.A. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (1997)
- Treatment of cervical dystonia hand spasms and laryngeal dystonia with botulinum toxin. Lees, A.J., Turjanski, N., Rivest, J., Whurr, R., Lorch, M., Brookes, G. J. Neurol. (1992)
- Rodent models for dystonia research: characteristics, evaluation, and utility. Jinnah, H.A., Hess, E.J., Ledoux, M.S., Sharma, N., Baxter, M.G., Delong, M.R. Mov. Disord. (2005)
- Five-year experience in the treatment of focal movement disorders with low-dose Dysport botulinum toxin. Van den Bergh, P., Francart, J., Mourin, S., Kollmann, P., Laterre, E.C. Muscle Nerve (1995)
- Post whiplash dystonia well controlled by transcutaneous electrical nervous stimulation (TENS): case report. Foley-Nolan, D., Kinirons, M., Coughlan, R.J., O'Connor, P. The Journal of trauma. (1990)