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Evoked Potentials, Motor

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Disease relevance of Evoked Potentials, Motor


Psychiatry related information on Evoked Potentials, Motor

  • Motor thresholds were higher in SWS awakenings, with no differences between REM awakenings and wakefulness, while motor evoked potential amplitude to unconditioned stimuli decreased upon REM awakening as compared to the other conditions [6].

High impact information on Evoked Potentials, Motor

  • The ratio of the motor-evoked potential amplitude before and after IPAS in PD-off patients increased after dopamine replacement [7].
  • During this movement, motor-evoked potential amplitudes from the little finger muscle were significantly suppressed in healthy subjects but enhanced in dystonia patients [8].
  • Cirrhotic patients exhibited increased T2 signal and several functional abnormalities along the cortico-spinal tract (increased central motor conduction time, increased motor cortical threshold, and decreased motor-evoked potential amplitude) [9].
  • In two control sessions without drug application, INB plus rTMS increased the motor-evoked potential (MEP) size and decreased intracortical inhibition (ICI) measured with single- and paired-pulse TMS in the biceps brachii muscle proximal to INB [10].
  • SCA1 was characterized by markedly prolonged peripheral and central motor conduction times in motor evoked potentials [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Evoked Potentials, Motor


Biological context of Evoked Potentials, Motor


Anatomical context of Evoked Potentials, Motor


Associations of Evoked Potentials, Motor with chemical compounds


Gene context of Evoked Potentials, Motor

  • These particularities, as well as frequent abnormal motor evoked potentials, could help identify patients to be screened for atlastin1 gene mutations [28].
  • METHODS: The hNPC-TERT cells had been transplanted into the injured spinal cord and the functional recovery of the rats with spinal cord contusion injury was evaluated through BBB locomotor scale and Motor Evoked Potentials [29].
  • Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were used to measure central motor conduction time (CMCT) and the triple stimulation technique (TST) was applied to assess conduction deficits [30].
  • However, transcranial magnetic motor-evoked potential (tcMMEP) assessment revealed no significant difference in onset latency and amplitude between the GDNF- and vehicle-infused groups [31].
  • RESULTS: Resting motor threshold (RMT), amplitudes of motor evoked potentials (MEP) and cSP were similar in both groups whereas iSP-latencies were significantly longer (p<0.05) and their duration shorter (p<0.01) in the ADHD group [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Evoked Potentials, Motor


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