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Disease relevance of Hypophosphatasia


High impact information on Hypophosphatasia

  • Hypophosphatasia features selective deficiency of activity of the tissue-nonspecific (liver/bone/kidney) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) isoenzyme (TNSALP); placental and intestinal ALP isoenzyme (PALP and IALP, respectively) activity is not reduced [6].
  • Alkaline phosphatase: placental and tissue-nonspecific isoenzymes hydrolyze phosphoethanolamine, inorganic pyrophosphate, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. Substrate accumulation in carriers of hypophosphatasia corrects during pregnancy [6].
  • Perinatal hypophosphatasia: tissue levels of vitamin B6 are unremarkable despite markedly increased circulating concentrations of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate. Evidence for an ectoenzyme role for tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase [7].
  • Our findings help to explain the general absence of symptoms of vitamin B6 excess or deficiency in hypophosphatasia, and provide evidence that TNSALP acts as an ectoenzyme to regulate extracellular rather than intracellular concentrations of PLP (the cofactor form of vitamin B6) and perhaps other phosphate compounds [7].
  • Our findings identify increased circulating PLP concentration as a marker for hypophosphatasia and provide further evidence that tissue nonspecific AP acts in vitamin B6 metabolism [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Hypophosphatasia


Biological context of Hypophosphatasia


Anatomical context of Hypophosphatasia


Gene context of Hypophosphatasia


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hypophosphatasia

  • Introduction of this mutation into an otherwise normal cDNA by site-directed mutagenesis abolishes the expression of active enzyme, demonstrating that a defect in the L/B/K ALP gene results in hypophosphatasia and that the enzyme is, therefore, essential for normal skeletal mineralization [13].
  • To explore the biochemical basis and extremely variable severity of hypophosphatasia, we used 2-site immunoradiometric assays that quantify in serum either 1) bone TNSALP (iBALP) alone, or 2) both bone and liver TNSALP (iTNSALP) [2].


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