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Fractures, Spontaneous

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Disease relevance of Fractures, Spontaneous


Psychiatry related information on Fractures, Spontaneous


High impact information on Fractures, Spontaneous


Chemical compound and disease context of Fractures, Spontaneous

  • Using a mouse mutant that fractures spontaneously and dies at a very young age, we identified that a deletion of the GULO gene, which is involved in the synthesis of vitamin C, is the cause of impaired osteoblast differentiation, reduced bone formation, and development of spontaneous fractures [11].
  • We report 11 fluoride-treated postmenopausal patients who developed spontaneous fractures of the femoral necks, all subcapital initially [12].
  • The administration of pharmacological doses of vitamin A to growing male rats resulted in weakness and spontaneous fractures [13].
  • Recent studies have shown that clodronate is effective in the treatment of malignancy hypercalcaemia, relief of bone pain and decreases the risk of pathological fracture [14].
  • However, in our previous study, 1 year treatment with high-dose etidronate (EHDP) did not increase microdamage accumulation in most skeletal sites of dogs in spite of complete remodeling suppression and the occurrence of spontaneous fractures of ribs and/or thoracic spinous processes [15].

Biological context of Fractures, Spontaneous


Anatomical context of Fractures, Spontaneous


Gene context of Fractures, Spontaneous


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fractures, Spontaneous


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