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Gene Review

Akp1  -  alkaline phosphatase 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Akp-1
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Disease relevance of Akp1


Psychiatry related information on Akp1

  • ALP converted disodium phenyl phosphate into its product, phenol, at a relatively high reaction rate without consumption, with resultant amplification of the signal on prolonged reaction time, producing an adequate amount of product for final detection [5].
  • During gestation ALP-specific activity peaked at Day 7 to 8 (Day 1 is day of detection of the copulation plug) followed by a rapid decline to control levels by Day 9 [6].

High impact information on Akp1

  • An Flp indicator mouse expressing alkaline phosphatase from the ROSA26 locus [7].
  • Osteoblasts from both stromal and calvarial explants showed delayed maturation in vitro as measured by expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), induction of mRNA encoding osteocalcin and mineral deposition [8].
  • Binding activity detected with alkaline phosphatase fusions of ELF-1 and Mek4 also reveals gradients and provides direct evidence for molecular complementarity of gradients in reciprocal fields [9].
  • They form colonies of densely packed, alkaline phosphatase-positive, SSEA-1-positive cells resembling undifferentiated embryonic stem (ES) cells in morphology [10].
  • The differentiation of the osteoblastic phenotype was stimulated as determined by increased alkaline phosphatase production and the deposition of mineral [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Akp1


Biological context of Akp1

  • The gene encoding C9.1 antigen was linked to the Akp1 isozyme locus on chromosome 1 close to the 2B4 gene [17].
  • This study suggests that the reduced ALP activity after skeletal unloading is related to downregulation of PECAM-1 expression in bone marrow cells in mice [18].
  • All three mouse genes are composed of 11 exons interrupted by 10 small introns (70-261 bp) with an organization analogous to that of the three human tissue-specific AP genes [19].
  • Introns interrupt the coding sequences at identical positions in all three mouse and human tissue-specific AP genes [19].
  • A repetitive sequence inserted in exon XI of the mouse intestinal AP gene codes for a unique stretch of 41 amino acids, 20 of which are threonines [19].

Anatomical context of Akp1


Associations of Akp1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Akp1


Regulatory relationships of Akp1


Other interactions of Akp1

  • A variety of sequence polymorphisms in this chromosomal region could be responsible for the differences in serum AP activity; the Akp2 gene, however, with several known amino acid substitutions between protein sequences of the B6 and D2 strains, is a leading candidate [32].
  • Sas-2 was located by linkage analysis between Idh-1 locus and Akp-1 locus on chromosome 1 [36].
  • A manganese-requiring isozyme of liver and kidney unaffected by neuraminidase is described, and the locus controlling variation in this isozyme is designated Akp-1 [22].
  • Incubating primary muscle cells with 300 ng/ml of BMP-2 for 6 d also inhibited myotube formation, whereas induced ALP activity and osteocalcin production [37].
  • We report the inactivation, via homologous recombination, of two of the three active mouse alkaline phosphatase genes, i.e., embryonic (EAP) and tissue nonspecific (TNAP) [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Akp1


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