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Disease relevance of Clubfoot


High impact information on Clubfoot

  • Patients with GDAP1 mutations displayed severe, early childhood-onset CMT neuropathy with prominent pes equinovarus deformity and impairment of hand muscles [6].
  • Lifetime ADHD/Traits in the orthopedic controls occurred exclusively in males with clubfoot (7/13; 54%) [7].
  • The risks of clubfoot and diaphragmatic hernia also increased as maternal age increased [8].
  • The present fetus had rhizomelic micromelia with absence of ossification in the humerus, radius, ulna, and cervical and upper thoracic vertebral bodies; coronal clefts in the ossified thoracic vertebral bodies; and talipes equinovarus [9].
  • A case control analysis, however, excluded a pathogenetic role for allylestrenol in the etiology of clubfoot and multiple congenital anomalies [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Clubfoot


Anatomical context of Clubfoot


Gene context of Clubfoot


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Clubfoot


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  15. Plasma total homocysteine level in mothers of children with clubfoot. Karakurt, L., Yilmaz, E., Serin, E., Bektaş, B., Cikim, G., Gürsu, F. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. (2003) [Pubmed]
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  17. Autosomal recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia with homozygosity for C653S in the DTDST gene: double-layer patella as a reliable sign. Mäkitie, O., Savarirayan, R., Bonafé, L., Robertson, S., Susic, M., Superti-Furga, A., Cole, W.G. Am. J. Med. Genet. A (2003) [Pubmed]
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