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Pyramidal Tracts

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Disease relevance of Pyramidal Tracts


Psychiatry related information on Pyramidal Tracts


High impact information on Pyramidal Tracts

  • AHI1 is most highly expressed in brain, particularly in neurons that give rise to the crossing axons of the corticospinal tract and superior cerebellar peduncles [8].
  • Joubert syndrome is a congenital brain malformation of the cerebellar vermis and brainstem with abnormalities of axonal decussation (crossing in the brain) affecting the corticospinal tract and superior cerebellar peduncles [8].
  • For example, there is a reduction in mossy fiber tracts in the hippocampus of mice that lack NCAM, a requirement for DCC in the response of commissural neurons to a floor plate-derived chemoattractant, and a loss of corticospinal tracts in humans who carry mutations in the L1 gene [9].
  • In contrast, NGF levels were decreased in ALS cerebral motor cortex, where the corticospinal tract originates, but increased in the lateral column of spinal cord, which includes the region of corticospinal tract degeneration in ALS [10].
  • When True blue is injected into the pyramidal decussation during the first postnatal week and the animals are allowed to survive until the fourth postnatal week, the distribution of pyramidal tract neurones is as widespread as in the immediate postnatal period and includes the entire visual cortex [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Pyramidal Tracts


Biological context of Pyramidal Tracts


Anatomical context of Pyramidal Tracts


Associations of Pyramidal Tracts with chemical compounds

  • Inosine stimulates extensive axon collateral growth in the rat corticospinal tract after injury [26].
  • EphA4 (Sek1) receptor tyrosine kinase is required for the development of the corticospinal tract [27].
  • Within the first week after transplantation, the cut corticospinal axons (identified by anterograde transport of biotin dextran) extended caudally along the axis of the corticospinal tract as single, fine, minimally branched sprouts that ended in a simple tip, often preceded by a small varicosity [28].
  • Recovery of some flexor and extensor movements of the ipsilateral fingers and toes occurred within 6 h of an incision being made in the upper cervical cord that divided the lateral corticospinal tract unilaterally [29].
  • The most marked feature of k maps was their ability to visualize the corticospinal tract, which had elevated k = 3.4-3.8 s(-1) but appeared invisible on f maps [30].

Gene context of Pyramidal Tracts


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pyramidal Tracts


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