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Chemical Compound Review

Tikosyn     N-[4-[2-[methyl-[2-[4- (methylsulfonylamino...

Synonyms: Dofetilida, Dofetilide, Xelide, Dofetilidum, Dofetilide;, ...
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Disease relevance of Tikosyn


Psychiatry related information on Tikosyn


High impact information on Tikosyn


Chemical compound and disease context of Tikosyn


Biological context of Tikosyn

  • Influence of dofetilide on QT-interval duration and dispersion at various heart rates during exercise in humans [12].
  • The activating currents displayed inward rectification and deactivating current tails were voltage-dependent, saturated at >>+20 mV, and were highly sensitive to dofetilide (IC50 of 46.9 nM) [13].
  • To assess physiological significance, dofetilide-sensitive currents were recorded during application of simulated action potential clamps [14].
  • OBJECTIVES: To examine the pharmacokinetics and the relation between plasma concentrations of the new potassium channel blocker dofetilide and QTc prolongation on the surface electrocardiogram after oral and intravenous administration [15].
  • This pattern suggested that dofetilide preferentially blocks open (or activated) channels and that the fast inactivation may competitively slow the binding kinetics [16].

Anatomical context of Tikosyn


Associations of Tikosyn with other chemical compounds

  • Elevating [K+]o from 1 to 8 mmol/L increased the IC50 for dofetilide block from 2.7 +/- 0.9 to 79 +/- 32 nmol/L and for quinidine block from 0.4 +/- 0.1 to 3.8 +/- 1.2 mumol/L [21].
  • Thus, the serine in position HERG 620 may participate directly in dofetilide binding; however, an intact C-type inactivation process seems to be crucial for high-affinity drug binding [19].
  • HERG/I(Kr) channels are blocked selectively by class III antiarrhythmic methanesulfonanilide drugs such as dofetilide [22].
  • Corresponding baseline recording periods, Ch and C1, matched by time with Dh and D1 were selected from the control ECG recording in the absence of dofetilide [23].
  • Recent data show that maintenance of sinus rhythm after successful cardioversion is enhanced by the use of class III drugs including amiodarone and dofetilide [24].

Gene context of Tikosyn


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tikosyn


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