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Diabeta     5-chloro-N-[2-[4- (cyclohexylcarbamoylsulfa...

Synonyms: Maninil, Micronase, glyburide, Daonil, Neogluconin, ...
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Disease relevance of Maninil


Psychiatry related information on Maninil


High impact information on Maninil

  • The women were randomly assigned between 11 and 33 weeks of gestation to receive glyburide or insulin according to an intensified treatment protocol [2].
  • Hypoxic vasodilation in isolated, perfused guinea pig hearts can be prevented by glibenclamide, a blocker of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channels, and can be mimicked by cromakalim, which opens ATP-sensitive potassium channels [11].
  • Hypoglycemia from glipizide and glyburide [12].
  • Concomitant with this change, basal C-peptide and free insulin values increased with glyburide therapy, but this pharmacological agent did not alter the ability of the patient's erythrocytes to bind insulin [13].
  • We report here that both ATP and glibenclamide sensitivities of the 30 pS K channel in TAL cells were absent in mice lacking CFTR and in mice homozygous for the deltaF508 mutation [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Maninil


Biological context of Maninil

  • When the process of insulin-induced receptor loss (or down regulation) was studied in the presence of glyburide, the drug exerted a marked inhibitory effect on this regulatory process [20].
  • Measurements of cAMP, cytosolic pH, and Ca2+ in isolated bile duct cells suggest that glybenclamide directly activates Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport, rather than other transporters or conventional second-messenger systems that link to secretory pathways in these cells [4].
  • RESULTS: In cirrhotic rats, glibenclamide (5, 20, 30 mg/kg but not 2.5 mg/kg) significantly increased vascular resistance in portal and systemic territories [21].
  • Glyburide therapy resulted in significant reduction in fasting serum glucose levels; in PMNLs, this treatment resulted in a significant reduction in [Ca2+]i levels, a significant increase in ATP content, and a significant improvement of phagocytosis [22].
  • However, glibenclamide did not impair the increases of coronary blood flow, myocardial oxygen consumption, and systolic wall thickening that occurred during exercise [23].

Anatomical context of Maninil


Associations of Maninil with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Maninil

  • Here, we show that beta(2) is the major adrenergic receptor isoform expressed in airway epithelia and that it colocalizes with CFTR at the apical membrane. beta(2)AR stimulation increases CFTR activity, in airway epithelial cells, that is glybenclamide sensitive [30].
  • The putative ABCA1 inhibitor glyburide and antisense oligonucleotides directed against ABCA1 mRNA significantly reduced apoE secretion from THP1 macrophages and HMDM [31].
  • 1) In PANC-1 cells, cAMP causes parallel activation of Cl- channels and of HCO3- extrusion by DIDS-sensitive and Na+-independent Cl-/HCO3- exchange, both effects being inhibited by Cl- channel blockers NPPB and glibenclamide [32].
  • SUR1, the typical pancreatic SUR isoform, shows much higher affinity for glibenclamide but considerably lower affinity for most openers than SUR2 [33].
  • Moreover, HL activity was significantly lower after insulin than after glibenclamide (HL 247.2 +/- 22.3 vs. 263.5 +/- 22.6 mU/ml, P < 0.05) [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Maninil


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