Chemical Compound Review:
Tris chloride 2-amino-2- (hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3- diol...
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- Induction, isolation, and some properties of the NADPH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase from the nonheterocystous cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum. Martinez-Bilbao, M., Martinez, A., Urkijo, I., Llama, M.J., Serra, J.L. J. Bacteriol. (1988)
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- Preparing hemagglutinating antigen from isolates of infectious bronchitis virus. Lashgari, M.S., Newman, J.A. Avian Dis. (1982)
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- Reduced glutathione inhibits rabbit and rat skeletal muscle lactate dehydrogenase and prevents dinitrophenol induced extracellular acidification by an epithelial cell line. Wimberger, P., Ebner, S., Marin-Grez, M. Life Sci. (1997)
- Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of the VNTR locus D1S80 in central Spain. Alonso, A., Martin, P., Albarran, C., Sancho, M. Int. J. Legal Med. (1993)
- Concentrated Tris solutions for the preparation, depolymerization, and assay of actin: application to erythroid actin. Pinder, J.C., Sleep, J.A., Bennett, P.M., Gratzer, W.B. Anal. Biochem. (1995)