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Disease relevance of Spirochaetales


Psychiatry related information on Spirochaetales


High impact information on Spirochaetales

  • PLG was not detected in spirochetes from unfed ticks, but binding occurred as ticks fed on the host's blood [7].
  • Acetogenesis from H2 plus CO2 by spirochetes from termite guts [8].
  • Mice given both P35 and P37 antisera were protected from challenge with 10(2) B. burgdorferi, and P35 and P37 antisera also afforded protection when administered 24 hr after spirochete challenge [9].
  • They are unique among invasive spirochetes in that they contain outer membrane lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as well as lipoproteins [10].
  • In immunocompetent mice, spirochetes that did not express ospC (the outer-surface protein C gene) were selected within 17 d after inoculation, concomitantly with the emergence of anti-OspC antibody [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Spirochaetales

  • Moreover, results from three independent methodologies, i.e., (a) indirect immunofluorescence analysis of agarose-encapsulated organisms, (b) proteinase K treatment of intact spirochetes, and (c) Triton X-114 phase partitioning of T. pallidum conclusively demonstrated that native TprK is entirely periplasmic [12].
  • Accordingly, we determined whether antigenically variable spirochetes delivered by naturally infected ticks, collected from a site where transmission is intense, may fail to infect mice actively immunized with recombinant glutathione transferase outer surface fusion proteins A or B (OspA and OspB) [13].
  • Subcutaneous inoculation of 10(4) spirochetes resulted in a peak spirochetemia five days after infection with 20-23 x 10(6) organisms per milliliter of whole blood in all mice, indicating that the PAS had no effect on the development of this phase of the infection [14].
  • The spirochetes were eliminated upon treatment with neomycin and bacitracin, but the symptoms of the patients remained unchanged [15].
  • This contrasted with the intense fluorescence observed when encapsulated spirochetes were probed in the presence of 0.06% Triton X-100, which selectively removed outer membranes [16].

Biological context of Spirochaetales

  • This is, to our knowledge, the first description of the targeted disruption of a candidate B. burgdorferi virulence factor with a known biochemical function that can be quantified, and demonstrates the importance of B. burgdorferi P66 in the attachment of this pathogenic spirochete to a human cell-surface receptor [17].
  • The results indicate that asymmetrical rotation of the flagellar bundles of spirochetes does not depend upon the chemotaxis system but rather upon differences between the two flagellar bundles [3].
  • Vsp surface lipoproteins are serotype-defining antigens of relapsing fever spirochetes that undergo multiphasic antigenic variation to avoid the immune response [18].
  • Coiling phagocytosis discriminates between different spirochetes and is enhanced by phorbol myristate acetate and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor [19].
  • Consistent with this, the spirochete bound to immobilized heparin, and soluble heparin inhibited bacterial adhesion to mammalian cells [20].

Anatomical context of Spirochaetales


Gene context of Spirochaetales

  • IL-1 beta synthesis increased in response to increasing numbers of spirochetes, whereas IL-1ra synthesis did not [2].
  • These studies indicate opposing roles for IL-4 and IFN-gamma in the modulation of spirochete growth and disease development in B. burgdorferi-infected mice and suggest that differential cytokine production early in infection may contribute to strain-related differences in susceptibility [25].
  • Overall, these data indicated that the p38 MAP kinase pathway plays an important role in B. burgdorferi-elicited inflammation and point to potential new therapeutic approaches to the treatment of inflammation induced by the spirochete [26].
  • The results are consistent with a major role played by IL-10 in controlling the initial phase of infection with this spirochete [27].
  • No TNF-alpha or IL-1beta were produced by LN cells from infected mice of either strain in response to lipoprotein or B. burgdorferi spirochetes [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Spirochaetales


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  3. Asymmetrical flagellar rotation in Borrelia burgdorferi nonchemotactic mutants. Li, C., Bakker, R.G., Motaleb, M.A., Sartakova, M.L., Cabello, F.C., Charon, N.W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002) [Pubmed]
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  19. Coiling phagocytosis discriminates between different spirochetes and is enhanced by phorbol myristate acetate and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Rittig, M.G., Jagoda, J.C., Wilske, B., Murgia, R., Cinco, M., Repp, R., Burmester, G.R., Krause, A. Infect. Immun. (1998) [Pubmed]
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  21. Toll-like receptor 2 is required for innate, but not acquired, host defense to Borrelia burgdorferi. Wooten, R.M., Ma, Y., Yoder, R.A., Brown, J.P., Weis, J.H., Zachary, J.F., Kirschning, C.J., Weis, J.J. J. Immunol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  22. Lyme arthritis synovial gamma delta T cells respond to Borrelia burgdorferi lipoproteins and lipidated hexapeptides. Vincent, M.S., Roessner, K., Sellati, T., Huston, C.D., Sigal, L.H., Behar, S.M., Radolf, J.D., Budd, R.C. J. Immunol. (1998) [Pubmed]
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