Gene Review:
Prlhr - prolactin releasing hormone receptor
Rattus norvegicus
G-protein coupled receptor 10, Gpr10, PrRP receptor, PrRPR, Prolactin-releasing peptide receptor, ...
- Prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) promotes awakening and suppresses absence seizures. Lin, S.H., Arai, A.C., España, R.A., Berridge, C.W., Leslie, F.M., Huguenard, J.R., Vergnes, M., Civelli, O. Neuroscience (2002)
- Prolactin-releasing peptide affects pain, allodynia and autonomic reflexes through medullary mechanisms. Kalliomäki, M.L., Pertovaara, A., Brandt, A., Wei, H., Pietilä, P., Kalmari, J., Xu, M., Kalso, E., Panula, P. Neuropharmacology (2004)
- Expression of neuropeptide FF, prolactin-releasing peptide, and the receptor UHR1/GPR10 genes during embryogenesis in the rat. Nieminen, M.L., Nystedt, J., Panula, P. Dev. Dyn. (2003)
- Characterization and distribution of prolactin releasing peptide (PrRP) binding sites in the rat--evidence for a novel binding site subtype in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Satoh, F., Smith, D.M., Gardiner, J.V., Mahmoodi, M., Murphy, K.G., Ghatei, M.A., Bloom, S.R. Br. J. Pharmacol. (2000)
- Sequence and tissue distribution of a candidate G-coupled receptor cloned from rat hypothalamus. Welch, S.K., O'Hara, B.F., Kilduff, T.S., Heller, H.C. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1995)
- Morphological survey of prolactin-releasing peptide and its receptor with special reference to their functional roles in the brain. Ibata, Y., Iijima, N., Kataoka, Y., Kakihara, K., Tanaka, M., Hosoya, M., Hinuma, S. Neurosci. Res. (2000)
- Tissue distribution of prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) and its receptor. Fujii, R., Fukusumi, S., Hosoya, M., Kawamata, Y., Habata, Y., Hinuma, S., Sekiguchi, M., Kitada, C., Kurokawa, T., Nishimura, O., Onda, H., Sumino, Y., Fujino, M. Regul. Pept. (1999)
- Prolactin-releasing peptides do not stimulate prolactin release in vivo. Jarry, H., Heuer, H., Schomburg, L., Bauer, K. Neuroendocrinology (2000)
- Expression of mammalian RF-amide peptides neuropeptide FF (NPFF), prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) and the PrRP receptor in the peripheral tissues of the rat. Nieminen, M.L., Brandt, A., Pietilä, P., Panula, P. Peptides (2000)
- Neurochemical properties of the prolactin releasing peptide (PrRP) receptor expressing neurons: evidence for a role of PrRP as a regulator of stress and nociception. Lin, S.H., Leslie, F.M., Civelli, O. Brain Res. (2002)