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GSN  -  gelsolin

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Disease relevance of GSN


High impact information on GSN


Biological context of GSN


Anatomical context of GSN

  • Presence of scinderin and gelsolin, two Ca2+-dependent actin filament-severing proteins in the same tissue, suggests the possibility of synergistic functions by the two proteins in the control of cellular actin filament networks [11].
  • Scinderin is a structurally different protein from chromaffin cell gelsolin, another actin filament-severing protein described [11].
  • This finding has prompted us to examine effects of the gelsolin complex and the free gelsolin on activities of the above PLC isoforms from platelet cytosol [8].
  • The limited digestion of gelsolin from serum and bovine aorta smooth muscle by two different proteases, chymotrypsin and trypsin, proceeded much faster in the presence of Ca2+ than in its absence with the production of three main fragments of about 40K, 32K, and 21K [12].
  • These results suggest that destruction of the stress fibers by endogenous gelsolin, which leads to inhibition of cell contraction, may occur if the cytoplasmic Ca2+ is maintained at high concentrations for a few minutes [13].

Associations of GSN with chemical compounds


Other interactions of GSN

  • 2) Adseverin belonged to the gelsolin family of proteins, which consists of six homologous segments [16].
  • The COOH terminus exhibits a striking similarity to villin and gelsolin, particularly in regions known to bind F-actin [2].
  • In addition, several low-abundance proteins including fibrinogen beta-chain, chitinase 3-like 1, alpha-antitrypsin, complement C3 alpha-chain, gelsolin and apolipoprotein H were observed only in colostrum [17].
  • The relation between the passive tension and extension of connectin (titin) was obtained for a myofibril from which thin filaments had been completely removed with gelsolin under contracting conditions; this showed a concave curve, consistent with the previous results obtained in single fibers [15].
  • Fluorescent derivatives of phosphatidyl inositol (PtdIns)-(4,5)-P2 were synthesized and used to test the effects of the PtdIns-(4, 5)-P2-regulated proteins gelsolin, tau, cofilin, and profilin on labeled PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 that was either in micellar form or mixed with phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) in bilayer vesicles [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GSN


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  2. Supervillin (p205): A novel membrane-associated, F-actin-binding protein in the villin/gelsolin superfamily. Pestonjamasp, K.N., Pope, R.K., Wulfkuhle, J.D., Luna, E.J. J. Cell Biol. (1997) [Pubmed]
  3. Cortical filamentous actin disassembly and scinderin redistribution during chromaffin cell stimulation precede exocytosis, a phenomenon not exhibited by gelsolin. Vitale, M.L., Rodríguez Del Castillo, A., Tchakarov, L., Trifaró, J.M. J. Cell Biol. (1991) [Pubmed]
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