Gene Review:
GP1BB - glycoprotein Ib (platelet), beta polypeptide
Homo sapiens
Antigen CD42b-beta, BDPLT1, BS, CD42C, CD42c, ...
- Bernard-Soulier syndrome Kagoshima: Ser 444-->stop mutation of glycoprotein (GP) Ib alpha resulting in circulating truncated GPIb alpha and surface expression of GPIb beta and GPIX. Kunishima, S., Miura, H., Fukutani, H., Yoshida, H., Osumi, K., Kobayashi, S., Ohno, R., Naoe, T. Blood (1994)
- Complementary DNA cloning of the alternatively expressed endothelial cell glycoprotein Ib beta (GPIb beta) and localization of the GPIb beta gene to chromosome 22. Kelly, M.D., Essex, D.W., Shapiro, S.S., Meloni, F.J., Druck, T., Huebner, K., Konkle, B.A. J. Clin. Invest. (1994)
- Role of the intracellular domains of GPIb in controlling the adhesive properties of the platelet GPIb/V/IX complex. Perrault, C., Mangin, P., Santer, M., Baas, M.J., Moog, S., Cranmer, S.L., Pikovski, I., Williamson, D., Jackson, S.P., Cazenave, J.P., Lanza, F. Blood (2003)
- Cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation of glycoprotein Ib inhibits collagen-induced polymerization of actin in platelets. Fox, J.E., Berndt, M.C. J. Biol. Chem. (1989)
- Mutation in the leucine-rich repeat C-flanking region of platelet glycoprotein Ib beta impairs assembly of von Willebrand factor receptor. Tang, J., Stern-Nezer, S., Liu, P.C., Matyakhina, L., Riordan, M., Luban, N.L., Steinbach, P.J., Kaler, S.G. Thromb. Haemost. (2004)
- Novel heterozygous missense mutation in the platelet glycoprotein Ib beta gene associated with isolated giant platelet disorder. Kunishima, S., Naoe, T., Kamiya, T., Saito, H. Am. J. Hematol. (2001)
- A novel monoclonal antibody against the extracellular domain of GPIbbeta modulates vWF mediated platelet adhesion. Perrault, C., Moog, S., Rubinstein, E., Santer, M., Baas, M.J., de la Salle, C., Ravanat, C., Dambach, J., Freund, M., Santoso, S., Cazenave, J.P., Lanza, F. Thromb. Haemost. (2001)
- Structural characterization and chromosomal location of the gene encoding human platelet glycoprotein Ib beta. Yagi, M., Edelhoff, S., Disteche, C.M., Roth, G.J. J. Biol. Chem. (1994)
- Disruption of the Cys5-Cys7 disulfide bridge in the platelet glycoprotein Ibbeta prevents the normal maturation and surface exposure of GPIb-IX complexes. González-Manchón, C., Butta, N., Iruín, G., Alonso, S., Ayuso, M.S., Parrilla, R. Thromb. Haemost. (2003)
- Interaction of calmodulin with the cytoplasmic domain of the platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib-IX-V complex. Andrews, R.K., Munday, A.D., Mitchell, C.A., Berndt, M.C. Blood (2001)
- The cysteine knot of platelet glycoprotein Ib beta (GPIb beta) is critical for the interaction of GPIb beta with GPIX. Kenny, D., Morateck, P.A., Montgomery, R.R. Blood (2002)
- Double heterozygosity for mutations in the platelet glycoprotein IX gene in three siblings with Bernard-Soulier syndrome. Wright, S.D., Michaelides, K., Johnson, D.J., West, N.C., Tuddenham, E.G. Blood (1993)
- Regulation of glycoprotein Ib-IX-von Willebrand factor interaction by cAMP-dependent protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation at Ser 166 of glycoprotein Ib(beta). Bodnar, R.J., Xi, X., Li, Z., Berndt, M.C., Du, X. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX-transfected cells roll on a von Willebrand factor matrix under flow. Importance of the GPib/actin-binding protein (ABP-280) interaction in maintaining adhesion under high shear. Cranmer, S.L., Ulsemer, P., Cooke, B.M., Salem, H.H., de la Salle, C., Lanza, F., Jackson, S.P. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- Mutation in the leucine-rich repeat of platelet glycoprotein Ib alpha results in defects in its interaction with immobilized von Willebrand factor under flow. Dong, J., Li, C., Schade, A.J., Fredrickson, B.J., Sun, L., McIntire, L.V., López, J.A. Chin. Med. J. (2000)
- Naturally occurring mutations in glycoprotein Ibalpha that result in defective ligand binding and synthesis of a truncated protein. Kenny, D., Jónsson, O.G., Morateck, P.A., Montgomery, R.R. Blood (1998)
- Structure and expression of the human septin gene HCDCREL-1. Yagi, M., Zieger, B., Roth, G.J., Ware, J. Gene (1998)
- A missense mutation (Tyr88 to Cys) in the platelet membrane glycoprotein Ibbeta gene affects GPIb/IX complex expression--Bernard-Soulier syndrome in the homozygous form and giant platelets in the heterozygous form. Kurokawa, Y., Ishida, F., Kamijo, T., Kunishima, S., Kenny, D., Kitano, K., Koike, K. Thromb. Haemost. (2001)
- A point mutation in glycoprotein IX coding sequence (Cys73 (TGT) to Tyr(TAT)) causes impaired surface expression of GPIb/IX/V complex in two families with Bernard-Soulier syndrome. Noda, M., Fujimura, K., Takafuta, T., Shimomura, T., Fujii, T., Katsutani, S., Fujimoto, T., Kuramoto, A., Yamazaki, T., Mochizuki, T., Matsuzaki, M., Sano, M. Thromb. Haemost. (1996)
- Expression of platelet glycoprotein (GP) V in heterologous cells and evidence for its association with GP Ib alpha in forming a GP Ib-IX-V complex on the cell surface. Li, C.Q., Dong, J.F., Lanza, F., Sanan, D.A., Sae-Tung, G., López, J.A. J. Biol. Chem. (1995)