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PNMT  -  phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase

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Disease relevance of PNMT


High impact information on PNMT


Biological context of PNMT


Anatomical context of PNMT


Associations of PNMT with chemical compounds

  • Bovine adrenomedullary PNMT was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and ion exchange chromatography [7].
  • Carbachol, which activates both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, produces 12-19-fold increases in PNMT mRNA and a 22-fold increase in epinephrine release [12].
  • Nuclear "run-on" assays further reveal that nicotine enhances transcription of the PNMT gene (approximately fourfold) [12].
  • Treatment of the cells with dexamethasone (100 microM) prevented the decline in the epinephrine-to-norepinephrine ratio seen over time in culture, an effect consistent with increased PNMT activity [8].
  • Muscarine alone produces a dose-dependent increase (mean sixfold) in steady state PNMT mRNA levels and stimulates the rate of transcription fivefold [12].

Regulatory relationships of PNMT

  • Nor does PACAP stimulate the rate of PNMT gene transcription, thereby indicating that the effects of this neuropeptide do not involve enhanced transcription of this gene [13].
  • DBH and PNMT appear to be regulated via the same mechanism as TH [14].
  • In the absence of the growth factor, the mRNA levels of TH and DBH were decreased to 45 +/- 10% and 35 +/- 12% of the time-zero control within 48 h while PNMT mRNA was decreased to 82 +/- 5% only after 72 h [15].

Other interactions of PNMT


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PNMT


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