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Gene Review

Hes1  -  hes family bHLH transcription factor 1

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Hairy and enhancer of split 1, Hairy-like protein, Hes-1, Hl, RHL, ...
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High impact information on Hes1

  • Excitation through this pathway acts to inhibit expression of the glial fate genes Hes1 and Id2 and increase expression of NeuroD, a positive regulator of neuronal differentiation [1].
  • Thus, RHL acts as an immediate-early gene that can potentially transduce growth factor signals during the development of the mammalian embryo [2].
  • The rat-hairy-like (RHL) gene is expressed early during embryogenesis [2].
  • It is shown here that Hes1 associates with the nuclear matrix, the ribonucleoprotein network of the nucleus that plays important roles in transcriptional regulation [3].
  • Hairy/Enhancer of split 1 (Hes1) is a mammalian transcriptional repressor that plays crucial roles in the regulation of several developmental processes, including neuronal differentiation [3].

Biological context of Hes1


Anatomical context of Hes1

  • BMP antagonist Noggin blocked the elevation of phosphorylated Smad1 and the expression of Hes1 as well as reducing the percentage of astrocytic SVZ progenitor cells [4].
  • Subsequently, the Hes1-positive cells lose their association with the basal lamina, shift apically, and differentiate into sustentacular cells [8].
  • The antineurogenic factor Hes1 is limited to the sustentacular cells of the unlesioned olfactory epithelium and to the adjoining respiratory epithelium [8].
  • Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies showed that the stratum intermedium cells express the Notch1 protein and Hes1 mRNAs, while the IEE and ameloblasts express the Jagged1 [9].
  • Expression of the downstream target, Hes1, was observed along the lesion and adjacent dentin walls [10].

Associations of Hes1 with chemical compounds

  • The ability of Hes1 to interact with Ptf1-p48 resides within a fragment comprised of the bHLH, Orange and C-terminal domains, and does not require the N-terminal or WRPW elements [11].
  • Moreover, expression of Hes1 marks that population of globose basal cells committed to making sustentacular cells after methyl bromide lesion [8].
  • As shown in the accompanying paper (Zeng, F. Y., Kaphalia, B. S., Ansari, G. A. S., and Weigel, P. H. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 21382-21387) all three RHL subunits of active ASGP-Rs, in fact, contain covalently attached palmitate and stearate [12].
  • These results suggest that Cluster 1, the N-terminal heparin-binding domain, is of primary significance in RHL [13].
  • In the cell-binding assay, heparan sulfate-binding affinity equal to that of LPL was seen for the RHL chimera mutant that possessed the Cluster 4 sequence of LPL [13].

Other interactions of Hes1

  • Tissue exposed to D-APV for 3 days showed higher expression of Hes1 and Hes5 mRNA than did unexposed control tissue [14].


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  3. Association with the nuclear matrix and interaction with Groucho and RUNX proteins regulate the transcription repression activity of the basic helix loop helix factor Hes1. McLarren, K.W., Theriault, F.M., Stifani, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
  4. Bone marrow stromal cells induce BMP2/4 production in oxygen-glucose-deprived astrocytes, which promotes an astrocytic phenotype in adult subventricular progenitor cells. Xin, H., Li, Y., Chen, X., Chopp, M. J. Neurosci. Res. (2006) [Pubmed]
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