Gene Review:
crb - crumbs
Drosophila melanogaster
0509/20, 1384/04, 95F, CG6383, CRB, ...
- CRB3 binds directly to Par6 and regulates the morphogenesis of the tight junctions in mammalian epithelial cells. Lemmers, C., Michel, D., Lane-Guermonprez, L., Delgrossi, M.H., Médina, E., Arsanto, J.P., Le Bivic, A. Mol. Biol. Cell (2004)
- Towards understanding CRUMBS function in retinal dystrophies. Richard, M., Roepman, R., Aartsen, W.M., van Rossum, A.G., den Hollander, A.I., Knust, E., Wijnholds, J., Cremers, F.P. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2006)
- Crumbs homologue 1 in polarity and blindness. Meuleman, J., van de Pavert, S.A., Wijnholds, J. Biochem. Soc. Trans. (2004)
- Self-refinement of Notch activity through the transmembrane protein Crumbs: modulation of gamma-Secretase activity. Herranz, H., Stamataki, E., Feiguin, F., Milán, M. EMBO Rep. (2006)
- Temporal regulation of planar cell polarity: insights from the Drosophila eye. Schweisguth, F. Cell (2005)
- Epithelial tube morphology is determined by the polarized growth and delivery of apical membrane. Myat, M.M., Andrew, D.J. Cell (2002)
- Mutations in a human homologue of Drosophila crumbs cause retinitis pigmentosa (RP12). den Hollander, A.I., ten Brink, J.B., de Kok, Y.J., van Soest, S., van den Born, L.I., van Driel, M.A., van de Pol, D.J., Payne, A.M., Bhattacharya, S.S., Kellner, U., Hoyng, C.B., Westerveld, A., Brunner, H.G., Bleeker-Wagemakers, E.M., Deutman, A.F., Heckenlively, J.R., Cremers, F.P., Bergen, A.A. Nat. Genet. (1999)
- crumbs encodes an EGF-like protein expressed on apical membranes of Drosophila epithelial cells and required for organization of epithelia. Tepass, U., Theres, C., Knust, E. Cell (1990)
- Crumbs, the Drosophila homologue of human CRB1/RP12, is essential for photoreceptor morphogenesis. Pellikka, M., Tanentzapf, G., Pinto, M., Smith, C., McGlade, C.J., Ready, D.F., Tepass, U. Nature (2002)
- DaPKC-dependent phosphorylation of Crumbs is required for epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila. Sotillos, S., Díaz-Meco, M.T., Caminero, E., Moscat, J., Campuzano, S. J. Cell Biol. (2004)
- Interaction of Par-6 and Crumbs complexes is essential for photoreceptor morphogenesis in Drosophila. Nam, S.C., Choi, K.W. Development (2003)
- Interactions between the crumbs, lethal giant larvae and bazooka pathways in epithelial polarization. Tanentzapf, G., Tepass, U. Nat. Cell Biol. (2003)
- Distinct roles of Bazooka and Stardust in the specification of Drosophila photoreceptor membrane architecture. Hong, Y., Ackerman, L., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- EGF homologous sequences encoded in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster, and their relation to neurogenic genes. Knust, E., Dietrich, U., Tepass, U., Bremer, K.A., Weigel, D., Vässin, H., Campos-Ortega, J.A. EMBO J. (1987)
- Role of the Crumbs complex in the regulation of junction formation in Drosophila and mammalian epithelial cells. Médina, E., Lemmers, C., Lane-Guermonprez, L., Le Bivic, A. Biol. Cell (2002)
- Computer modelling in combination with in vitro studies reveals similar binding affinities of Drosophila Crumbs for the PDZ domains of Stardust and DmPar-6. Kempkens, O., Médina, E., Fernandez-Ballester, G., Ozüyaman, S., Le Bivic, A., Serrano, L., Knust, E. Eur. J. Cell Biol. (2006)
- Apical, lateral, and basal polarization cues contribute to the development of the follicular epithelium during Drosophila oogenesis. Tanentzapf, G., Smith, C., McGlade, J., Tepass, U. J. Cell Biol. (2000)
- Drosophila Stardust interacts with Crumbs to control polarity of epithelia but not neuroblasts. Hong, Y., Stronach, B., Perrimon, N., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N. Nature (2001)
- Crumbs interacts with moesin and beta(Heavy)-spectrin in the apical membrane skeleton of Drosophila. Médina, E., Williams, J., Klipfell, E., Zarnescu, D., Thomas, G., Le Bivic, A. J. Cell Biol. (2002)
- Drosophila Stardust is a partner of Crumbs in the control of epithelial cell polarity. Bachmann, A., Schneider, M., Theilenberg, E., Grawe, F., Knust, E. Nature (2001)
- Drac1 and Crumbs participate in amnioserosa morphogenesis during dorsal closure in Drosophila. Harden, N., Ricos, M., Yee, K., Sanny, J., Langmann, C., Yu, H., Chia, W., Lim, L. J. Cell. Sci. (2002)
- Crumbs, a component of the apical membrane, is required for zonula adherens formation in primary epithelia of Drosophila. Tepass, U. Dev. Biol. (1996)