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Gene Review

PTP1  -  Ptp1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: PTPase 1, Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1, Tyrosine-protein phosphatase 1, YDL230W
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Disease relevance of PTP1


High impact information on PTP1


Biological context of PTP1

  • In this report, we demonstrate that although ptp2 has no obvious phenotype by itself, it has a profound effect on cell growth when combined with mutations in a novel protein phosphatase gene [11].
  • The PCR fragment was used to identify the yeast PTP1 gene which has an open reading frame encoding a 335-amino acid residue protein [1].
  • Molecular analysis has shown that PTP1 and PTP2 are quite different structurally and are not especially well conserved at the amino acid sequence level [12].
  • Correspondingly, several proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine by endogenous protein kinases exhibited a marked increase in tyrosine phosphorylation in ptp1 mutant cells [13].
  • The biological functions of these proteins are unknown, but they have vigorous protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity in vitro and have a sequence motif, Cys-X5-Arg, that is present at the active sites of all known types of protein-tyrosine phosphatases [14].

Anatomical context of PTP1


Associations of PTP1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of PTP1


Other interactions of PTP1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PTP1


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