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Gene Review

N  -  nucleocapsid protein

Human parainfluenza virus 1

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Disease relevance of N

  • The 3' untranslated sequence of the HeV N gene mRNA was 568 nt and was much longer than that observed in other Paramyxovirinae [1].
  • The x-ray structures of a murine MHC class I molecule (H-2Kb) were determined in complex with two different viral peptides, derived from the vesicular stomatitis virus nucleoprotein (52-59), VSV-8, and the Sendai virus nucleoprotein (324-332), SEV-9 [2].
  • A single peptide derived from the Sendai virus nucleoprotein (NP(324-332)) binds to both H-2 Kb and Db MHC class I molecules, generating both immunodominant (NP(324-332)/Kb) and subdominant (NP(324-332)/Db) epitopes [3].
  • Human parainfluenza virus type 1 matrix and nucleoprotein genes transiently expressed in mammalian cells induce the release of virus-like particles containing nucleocapsid-like structures [4].
  • Inhibition of IFN production by the arenavirus NP is likely to be a determinant of virulence in vivo [5].

High impact information on N

  • Dynamic control of interferon-beta (IFN-beta) gene expression requires the regulated assembly and disassembly of the enhanceosome, a higher-order nucleoprotein complex formed in response to virus infection [6].
  • Here, we show that presentation on Db of ASNENMETM, a peptide from influenza nucleoprotein, and on Kb of FAPGNYPAL, a peptide from Sendai virus nucleoprotein, was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor, lactacystin [7].
  • Inhibition of the type I interferon response by the nucleoprotein of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus [5].
  • Using expression plasmids encoding individual LCMV proteins, we found that expression of the LCMV nucleoprotein (NP) was sufficient to inhibit both IFN production and nuclear translocation of IRF-3 [5].
  • To initiate an investigation of the genetic basis of the attenuation of BPIV3 in primates, we produced viable chimeric HPIV3 recombinants containing the nucleoprotein (N) open reading frame (ORF) from either BPIV3 Ka or SF in place of the HPIV3 N ORF [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of N


Biological context of N


Anatomical context of N


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of N


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