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Disease relevance of Cementation


High impact information on Cementation

  • Recovery of the copper value was easily accomplished via a cementation reaction and the clarified leachate containing a replenished level of ferrous iron as growth substrate was shown to support the growth of A. ferrooxidans and be fully recyclable [2].
  • It is concluded that zinc-based cements provide some indications of how glass-based cements may behave over long periods of release and that zinc phosphate is the material of clinical choice for orthodontic cementation if maximal fluoride release is the prime criterion [3].
  • We have also developed a technique for bioactive interfacial bone cementation by interposing fine HA granules between the bone and PMMA cement [4].
  • OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the current study was to examine the influence of the pre-cementation surface modification techniques, namely alumina abrasion and surface grinding, routinely employed by dental practitioners prior to cementation and placement of crown and bridge restorations on the performance of a Y-TZP dental ceramic [5].
  • SIGNIFICANCE: Adhesive cementation balanced the strength of weak ceramics with that of strong ceramic and recommended itself for leucite glass ceramic and feldspathic ceramic crowns [6].

Biological context of Cementation


Anatomical context of Cementation


Associations of Cementation with chemical compounds

  • Titanium alloys can no longer be recommended for cementation, but are as safe as ever for anchorage without cement [12].
  • Effect of surfactants on the cementation of cadmium [13].
  • After cementation, the highest cement gap at the coronal part was obtained with the Cylindro-Conical system((R)) (79+/-21mum) and the lowest with the MP Pirec post system((R)) (25+/-9mum) [9].
  • In conclusion a single reapplication of silane maintained the bond strength of resin to porcelain when final cementation was preceded by a try-in procedure and cleaning [14].
  • Due to the combined use of phenol and cementation in most studies, the effect of phenol alone is described in this study [15].

Gene context of Cementation

  • The effect of mixed surfactant (SAS) on cementation reaction was given [16].
  • It is found that the order of the rate of decrease of the cementation reaction in the presence of SAS is as follows, Triton X-100 < SDS < SOS [16].
  • Cementation of primary aneurysmal bone cysts [17].
  • In the OA group the average blood loss significantly decreased after cementation but not in the RA group [18].
  • RESULTS: The early failure rate (partial or total loss) of core build-ups before crown cementation was significantly higher for KSA (28.8%), as compared to RSC (15.3%, p=0.037) and RD (15%, p=0.025) [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cementation

  • OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether long-term exposure of dental porcelain to saliva during temporary cementation of a porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restoration could enhance leucite crystallization if the restoration is refired [20].
  • Adjuvant treatments included hydrogen peroxide instillation in 30 patients, electrocautery in 27 patients, phenol irrigation in 26 patients, sterile water irrigation in 15 patients, and polymethylmethacrylate cementation in 15 patients [21].
  • The five combined uses of an adhesive metal primer and resin cement (combinations of MPII or MT and BRII or PFC and AP and SB) are applicable to the cementation of prosthodontic restorations without complicated surface modification of the noble alloy [22].
  • Following the cementation, the adaptation of the inlays at the occlusal margin was also found to be superior to that of the approximal margin [23].
  • CONCLUSION: A minimally invasive 0.5-mm axial chamfer tooth preparation combined with sufficient occlusal reduction and adhesive cementation recorded the greatest stability for posterior metal-free Artglass crowns [24].


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