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Disease relevance of Chondroma


High impact information on Chondroma


Chemical compound and disease context of Chondroma


Biological context of Chondroma

  • The expression of the two catalytic subunits of protein phosphatase (PP) type 1 PP1 gamma 1 and PP1 delta was examined in 4 cases of osteochondroma and 4 cases of enchondroma as a benign cartilaginous tumor, and 4 cases of chondrosarcoma as a malignant cartilaginous tumor using immunohistochemical analysis [15].

Anatomical context of Chondroma


Gene context of Chondroma


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chondroma

  • STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fourteen enchondromas, in eight patients, involving the tubular bones of the hand, were treated with curettage, CO2 laser sterilization of the tumor margins followed by autologous bone grafting [11].
  • To further characterize chondrogenic tumors and to determine whether PTHrP and the regulation of Bcl-2-expression is of relevance to tumorigenesis, we analyzed the expression of both PTHrP and Bcl-2 on a series of 23 cases of solitary enchondroma (9 cases) and primary CS (14 cases) using light and confocal microscopy [26].


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  6. Absence of IHH and retention of PTHrP signalling in enchondromas and central chondrosarcomas. Rozeman, L.B., Hameetman, L., Cleton-Jansen, A.M., Taminiau, A.H., Hogendoorn, P.C., Bovée, J.V. J. Pathol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  7. Molecular analysis of the INK4A/INK4A-ARF gene locus in conventional (central) chondrosarcomas and enchondromas: indication of an important gene for tumour progression. van Beerendonk, H.M., Rozeman, L.B., Taminiau, A.H., Sciot, R., Bovée, J.V., Cleton-Jansen, A.M., Hogendoorn, P.C. J. Pathol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. A distinct phenotype characterizes tumors from a putative genetic trait involving chondrosarcoma and breast cancer occurring in the same patient. Cleton-Jansen, A.M., Timmerman, M.C., van de Vijver, M.J., van Asperen, C.J., Kroon, H.M., Eilers, P.H., Hogendoorn, P.C. Lab. Invest. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  21. Enchondromatosis (Ollier disease, Maffucci syndrome) is not caused by the PTHR1 mutation p.R150C. Rozeman, L.B., Sangiorgi, L., Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H., Mainil-Varlet, P., Bertoni, F., Cleton-Jansen, A.M., Hogendoorn, P.C., Bovée, J.V. Hum. Mutat. (2004) [Pubmed]
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