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Disease relevance of Cartilage


High impact information on Cartilage

  • I report here the presence, in some human cartilages, of a proteoglycan population that initially will not aggregate with the hyaluronic acid but subsequently can be chased into aggregate [6].
  • Misexpression of Hoxa-13 resulted in a remarkable size reduction of the zeugopodal cartilages as a result of the arrest of cartilage cell growth and differentiation restricted in the zeugopod [7].
  • Thrombin and the combination of prothrombin plus prothrombinase induced proteoglycan release from both normal and arthritic cartilages [8].
  • In most OA cartilages, a CS epitope 846 was elevated in content, this being most marked in phase II (mean: fivefold) [9].
  • Compared to cartilages either freshly isolated or cultured without IL-1, bovine cartilage cultured with IL-1 for 3-5 d showed an increase in both pericellular and intercellular immunohistochemical staining [10].

Biological context of Cartilage


Anatomical context of Cartilage


Associations of Cartilage with chemical compounds

  • High keratan sulfate content is reported in adult cartilage, whereas it is almost absent in young and tumoral cartilages [21].
  • Either apatite, calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals, or both were found in all cartilages including those of 3 patients who had no radiographic or light microscopic evidence of calcification [22].
  • A very low level of activity was detected for serine proteases and no variation was observed between normal and diseased cartilages [23].
  • Cartilages were not resorbed in the presence of doxycycline, whereas control cartilages were completely degraded [24].
  • Thus, Factor XIIIa and tTGase activities were increased in aging, degenerative cartilages and induced by IL-1 [25].

Gene context of Cartilage


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cartilage


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