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Empyema, Pleural

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Disease relevance of Empyema, Pleural


High impact information on Empyema, Pleural


Chemical compound and disease context of Empyema, Pleural


Anatomical context of Empyema, Pleural


Gene context of Empyema, Pleural

  • Thus, an elevation of serum NSE level in patients with chronic pyothorax may be an indicator of PAL development [16].
  • IL-6 locally produced in chronic pyothorax might also promote the development of PAL [17].
  • Tissue plasminogen activator as an adjuvant therapy for pleural empyema in pediatric patients [18].
  • Surgical treatment of thoracic empyema in HIV-infected patients: severity and treatment modality is associated with CD4 count status [19].
  • During thoracic empyema, the relative values of the isoenzymes in the pleural fluid were regularly increasing from LDH 1 to LDH 5 [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Empyema, Pleural


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