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Disease relevance of Esophagitis


Psychiatry related information on Esophagitis


High impact information on Esophagitis


Chemical compound and disease context of Esophagitis


Biological context of Esophagitis

  • The animals were killed 16 weeks after operation or injection, the entire esophageal mucosa was harvested, and mutation frequency was determined through standard Big Blue Mutagenesis Assay. RESULTS: Gross esophagitis was evident in all operated animals [16].
  • Their average number per high-power field was low in benign squamous epithelium away from tumors (average 0.8/high-power field) but much higher in biopsies with the other categories of histology, especially those with active esophagitis and infection (6.3/high-power field) [17].
  • Similarly, EFS-induced but not ACh-induced muscle contraction decreased in esophagitis and after incubation in PGE2 and PAF C-16 [18].
  • Compared with controls, repeated acid perfusion induced erosive esophagitis and significant esophageal shortening, associated with enhanced LM responses to carbachol, a significantly depolarized resting membrane potential, and abnormal spike patterns [19].
  • As previously shown, refluxers with esophagitis also had more frequent acid gastroesophageal reflux and prolonged gastric emptying [20].

Anatomical context of Esophagitis

  • The patients with erosive esophagitis also had significantly diminished lower esophageal sphincter pressures and increased frequency and duration of gastroesophageal reflux episodes [21].
  • A 71-year-old woman experienced severe, acute esophagitis and severe stricture of the esophagus due to oral alendronate therapy [22].
  • Also alendronate is far more damaging at acidic than at neutral pH, suggesting its association with esophagitis requires gastric acid for expression [23].
  • Our objectives were to determine whether esophageal IELs express the recently described cytotoxic T-cell (CTLs) markers, TIA-1 and granzyme-B, and whether the number of CTLs correlates with well-defined endoscopic, clinical, and histological features of esophagitis [24].
  • Routinely processed hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained slides of esophageal mucosal biopsies from 14 patients with both active esophagitis and multinucleated epithelial giant cells were evaluated for a variety of inflammatory and epithelial features [25].

Gene context of Esophagitis

  • There was also no significant increase in COX-2 expression in patients with esophagitis or in those who used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [26].
  • It is noteworthy, however, that the CDX2 mRNA expression was initiated at the stage of esophagitis, when neither CDX1 nor intestine-specific genes had emerged yet [27].
  • All operated mice (6 ApcMin/+, 12 WT, and 4 Trp53-/-) had esophagitis, with squamous hyperplasia and early focal ulceration [28].
  • Intratracheal IL-13 induces eosinophilic esophagitis by an IL-5, eotaxin-1, and STAT6-dependent mechanism [29].
  • We investigated the roles of prostaglandin (PG) E2 and cyclooxygenase (COX) isoenzymes in the mucosal defense of the esophagus, using subtype-selective EP agonists and antagonists as well as various COX inhibitors, in an acute rat esophagitis model [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Esophagitis


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