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Chemical Compound Review

Imipenem, Anhydrous     (5R,6S)-3-[2- (aminomethylideneamino) ethyls...

Synonyms: MK-787, LS-22373, AC1L2HU9, C12H17N3O4S, EINECS 264-734-5, ...
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Disease relevance of MK 0787


Psychiatry related information on MK 0787

  • The data indicate that exposure of E. coli and S. aureus to a sub-MIC of imipenem enhances the susceptibility of these potential pathogens to cellular and humoral host defense mechanisms [5].
  • One death in the comprehensive broad-spectrum empirical antimicrobial therapy group was associated with peritonitis from Clostridium perfringens that was sensitive to imipenem plus cilastin sodium, and the other was associated with peritonitis from Pseudomonas aeruginosa that was resistant to imipenem plus cilastin sodium [6].
  • It could be a factor of imipenem resistance if the antibiotic influx into the bacteria was decreased or if the beta-lactamase Id was synthesized at a high level [7].
  • We describe the case of an 84-year-old woman who developed a confusional state and suffered from a generalized tonic-clonic seizure while she was treated with imipenem, a beta-lactam antibiotic [8].

High impact information on MK 0787


Chemical compound and disease context of MK 0787


Biological context of MK 0787

  • Because IMP-1 has been found in several clinically important carbapenem-resistant pathogens, there is a need for inhibitors of this enzyme that could protect broad spectrum antibiotics such as imipenem from hydrolysis and thus extend their utility [16].
  • We have characterized the binding site in the protein D2 channel by studying the competitive inhibition, by various solutes, of imipenem diffusion into the periplasm [17].
  • Imipenem is highly stable against attack by beta-lactamases of both plasmid and chromosomal origin, and is more stable by several thousand-fold than earlier beta-lactamase stable compounds [18].
  • Several isolates were reported by the clinical microbiology laboratories as being susceptible to imipenem [19].
  • The amino acid sequence of OprE had some clusters of sequence homologous with that of OprD of P. aeruginosa, which might be responsible for the outer membrane permeability of imipenem and basic amino acids [20].

Anatomical context of MK 0787


Associations of MK 0787 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of MK 0787

  • Resistance to beta-lactam and FQ was correlated with ampC and mexC gene expression levels, respectively, whereas imipenem resistance was attributable to decreased oprD expression [28].
  • However, measurement of beta-lactamase activities (including measurements under conditions where TEM-1 beta-lactamase was inhibited) indicated that the imipenem-intermediate isolate expressed six- to eightfold less beta-lactamase than did the other isolates [29].
  • These results demonstrate that in clinical practice, gyrA mutations are the major mechanism of resistance to fluoroquinolones even in the strains of P. aeruginosa resistant to imipenem and lacking OprD, concomitant resistance to these drugs being the result of the addition of at least two independent mechanisms [30].
  • In mice with IL-6 levels >14,000 pg/ml, 25% survived if imipenem was started at 6 h, whereas none survived if antibiotics were started later (P < 0.05) [31].
  • The results showed that oprD was relatively stable against carbapenem antibiotics. oprM was induced significantly by imipenem in only one strain and oprN was induced by imipenem in most of the strains [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MK 0787


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