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Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique

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Disease relevance of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique


High impact information on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique

  • We described the use of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique on Plasmodium falciparum DNA to detect genetic markers for chloroquine-resistant strains [2].
  • Using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique and exploiting the unique genetics of Tetrahymena thermophila, we have identified and characterized 40 DNA polymorphisms occurring between two inbred strains (B and C3) of this ciliated protozoan [3].
  • One RAPD PCR produced an identical pattern for 18 transconjugants and the recipient and a clearly different pattern for the remaining 6 transconjugants due to a newly appearing fragment resulting from acquisition of the tetL gene [4].
  • Isolates for which almost identical ERIC fingerprints are generated may subsequently be characterized by RAPD-PCR, although adjustment and standardization of the amount of the DNA template are necessary [5].
  • RAPD-PCR fingerprinting was not associated with disease and was less strongly associated with vacA (P < 0.05) than REP-PCR was [6].

Biological context of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique

  • Direct sequencing of some RAPD-PCR products obtained with one of the four RAPD primers that were tested yielded clearly readable, but limited sequences, which were similar to portions of the previously published sequences for (+/+ ) homozygotes (98% similarity) and (+/delta32) heterozygotes (87% similarity) of the CCR5 alleles [7].
  • ISSR, ERIC and RAPD techniques to detect genetic diversity in the aphid pathogen Pandora neoaphidis [8].
  • Random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR (RAPD-PCR) and sequencing of glmM PCR product were performed to verify strain identity of colonies with different cag genotypes [9].
  • The RAPD technique could only discriminate P. brasiliensis isolates according to glabrous/cerebriform or cottony colonies, and also high from low virulence strains [10].

Anatomical context of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique

  • Cells from ovarioule tissues of the Egyptian cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis (SL 96) were established, identified and characterized comparing with other lepidopteran cell lines using isozymes, karyotyping, RAPD PCR, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis polypeptide PAGE profile [11].

Associations of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique with chemical compounds

  • Genomic DNA treated with dimethyl sulphoxide to remove secondary structures still showed differences in RAPD-PCR profiles between winged and wingless morphs within the unusual clones [12].
  • Although the strains showed varied carbohydrate-fermentation patterns, the three species were divided into three types, namely the infantis type, the longum type and the suis type, by ribotyping and RAPD-PCR [13].
  • The RAPD technique may be useful in differentiating fluconazole-resistant strains from the -sensitive ones for early identification of resistant isolates from AIDS patients [14].
  • The new strains were distinguished from Desulfosporosinus orientis DSM 765T by different banding patterns in a RAPD-PCR, and phenotypically by their inability to utilize fumarate as a carbon and energy source with sulfate as the electron acceptor and by their lower tolerance to NaCl [15].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: Ps. aeruginosa genomic DNA extraction, RAPD-PCR, electrophoresis on acrylamide gel and silver staining were performed by using standardized reagents and conditions [16].

Gene context of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique

  • Three of the six pairs showing differences at the 3'-end of the cagA gene yielded identical RAPD-PCR fingerprints [17].
  • The RAPD-PCR unambiguously differentiated Heyl and Jawetz biotypes of P. pneumotropica recovered from mice, identified two additional genetic groups for rat and hamster isolates, and clearly distinguished P. pneumotropica from related bacteria [18].
  • However, PCR sequencing of the ureC/glmM gene appeared to be more reproducible and more reliable for distinguishing between strains than the RAPD technique [19].
  • These findings suggest RAPD-PCR typing can distinguish unique CF isolates of S. maltophilia and A. xylosoxidans, person-to-person transmission may occur, there are not a small number of clones infecting CF airways, and patients with long-term colonization may either have a persistent organism or may acquire additional organisms over time [20].
  • The MBC-resistant isolates, which were only obtained from Ireland and Great Britain, clustered together strongly in randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR analysis, suggesting that they may be clonal [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique

  • Strains isolated from grape with Pierce's disease (PD) from California, Florida, and Georgia showed greater than previously reported genetic variability, including plasmid contents, but formed a cluster based on analysis of RAPD-PCR products, NotI and SpeI genomic DNA fingerprints, and 16S-23S rRNA spacer region sequence [22].


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