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Kidney Neoplasms

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Disease relevance of Kidney Neoplasms

  • At the clonal level as determined by limiting dilution, 8 of 10 clones from melanoma TIL displayed cytotoxicity restricted to autologous tumor cells, while all 13 clones from renal cancer TIL equally lysed autologous and allogeneic tumor cells [1].
  • This analysis of renal cancer, with the recognition of three classes of surface antigens recognized by autologous sera, resembles the results of autologous typing of three other human malignancies: malignant melanoma, acute leukemia, and astrocytoma [2].
  • PTEN is a tumor suppressor gene mutated in various advanced human neoplasias, including glioblastomas and prostate, breast, endometrial, and kidney cancers [3].
  • Besides A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells, which are known to make large amounts of EGF receptor, cell lines from two ovarian cancers, two cervical cancers, and one kidney cancer were found to contain substantial amounts of receptor protein (11-22% of A431) [4].
  • Mutations in FLCN are also responsible for Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome (a dominantly inherited disease characterized by benign skin tumors, PSP, and diverse types of renal cancer) and, rarely, are detected in sporadic renal and colorectal tumors [5].

High impact information on Kidney Neoplasms


Chemical compound and disease context of Kidney Neoplasms

  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to quantify the risk of bladder and kidney cancer following cyclophosphamide therapy [10].
  • Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis has been used to compare the Nonidet P-40 soluble, [3H]glucosamine-labeled glycoproteins of human kidney cancer cell lines and short-term cultures of normal kidney epithelia [11].
  • Because acetazolamide alone reduced invasiveness of these cancer cells in vitro, we conclude that the CAs overexpressed in these renal cancer cells contribute to invasiveness, at least in vitro, and suggest that CA inhibitors may also reduce invasiveness in other tumors that overexpress one or more CAs [12].
  • A possible correlation between these structures and the estrogen sensitivity of the kidney neoplasm is made [13].
  • Our results suggest that the molecular events that contribute to the development of distal nephron tumors are distinct from those associated with the etiology of proximal tubule renal cancers [14].

Biological context of Kidney Neoplasms


Anatomical context of Kidney Neoplasms


Gene context of Kidney Neoplasms

  • Through a subsequent positional cloning effort we found that this breakpoint targets a hitherto unidentified gene, designated DIRC2 (disrupted in renal cancer 2) [25].
  • The accumulated data derived from a series of experiments also demonstrates that FAA synergizes with interleukin 2 (IL-2) for the treatment of murine renal cancer [26].
  • The FHIT gene product is highly expressed in the cytoplasm of renal tubular epithelium and is down-regulated in kidney cancers [27].
  • Our data suggest the potential use of OKL38 in diagnosis, prognosis, and/or treatment of kidney cancer [28].
  • In renal cancer cells, the inactivation of the tumor suppressor protein von Hippel Lindau (VHL) leads to an increase in VPF/VEGF expression [29].
  • All VHL mutations linked to classical VHL disease compromise this pVHL function although some missense mutations result in a low risk of kidney cancer (type 2A VHL disease) while others result in a high risk (type 2B VHL disease) [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Kidney Neoplasms


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