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Social Environment

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Disease relevance of Social Environment


Psychiatry related information on Social Environment


High impact information on Social Environment

  • This study examines the prolactin response to fenfluramine hydrochloride challenge in young boys who show clinically significant aggressive behavior or who are raised in a social environment that is conducive to the development of chronic aggression [5].
  • We show that in non-human mammals the stability of the social environment in which the pregnant females live is critical for the offsprings' social and sexual behaviour later in life as well as for reproductive functioning, endocrine state and androgen and estrogen receptor distribution in specific parts of the brain [6].
  • The effects of age on the response to two doses of dexamethasone and two doses of CRF were assessed in females living in a stable social environment (control) and in socially stressed females removed from their group and housed temporarily in a remote, nonsocial environment (separated) [7].
  • The specific difference between autistic and MCDD children in their cortisol response to psychosocial stress indicates that the disturbed reactions to the social environment observed in these disorders may have different biological backgrounds [8].
  • Neither acceleration nor deceleration of puberty by varying the female's social environment had any effect on either body fat or leptin [9].

Biological context of Social Environment

  • Thus, it appears that PR deletion affects the display of sexual behavior and its modulation by dopamine, as well as the differentiation of dopaminergic cells and the plasticity of those cells in response to social environment and behavioral experience [10].

Anatomical context of Social Environment


Associations of Social Environment with chemical compounds


Gene context of Social Environment


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