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Chemical Compound Review

PubChem18911     3-chlorobenzene-1,2-diol

Synonyms: SureCN71077, CPD-9151, ACMC-1AD6K, AG-E-76317, CHEBI:27715, ...
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Disease relevance of C05618


High impact information on C05618


Chemical compound and disease context of C05618


Biological context of C05618


Associations of C05618 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of C05618

  • However, partially purified catechol 2,3-dioxygenase of P. putida GJ31 converted 3-chlorocatechol to 2-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconic acid [17].
  • Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase preparations did not oxidize 3-chlorocatechol [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C05618


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