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Chemical Compound Review

AC1MHWSO     (2R)-N-methyl-1-oxo-2- pyridin-3-yl-thiane...

Synonyms: CHEMBL76358, RP-49356, RP-52891, LS-178092, RP 49356, ...
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Disease relevance of RP 49356

  • Aprikalim-induced arterial hypotension was significantly less marked in cirrhotic than in normal rats [1].
  • The ability of aprikalim and the K(ATP) channel antagonists to alter postischemic wall function occurred independently of differences in systemic hemodynamics, area at risk, and collateral blood flow during occlusion, the major determinants of the extent of myocardial stunning [2].
  • Aprikalim, a K+ ATP channel opener, is a potent vasodilator with demonstrated cardioprotective properties against ischemia/reperfusion injury [3].
  • BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Cerebral vasodilatation in response to aprikalim, an opener of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, is selectively augmented after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) [4].
  • METHODS: Isovolumetric rat hearts (37 degrees C) were treated with 1 microM (apri 1) or 30 microM (apri 30) aprikalim, or preconditioned with either 10 min of hypoxia (N2PC) or 5 min of ischaemia followed by 5 min of perfusion (IPC5) or 10 min of ischaemia followed by 3 min of perfusion (IPC10) [5].

High impact information on RP 49356


Chemical compound and disease context of RP 49356


Biological context of RP 49356

  • At 2 h of low flow ischaemia systolic pressure was 39(4)%, 37(5)%, 41(4)%, and 37(3)% of control for hearts treated with saline aprikalim, glibenclamide, and SPT, respectively [11].
  • OBJECTIVE: The aim was to compare the effects of a potassium channel opener, aprikalim, and of hypoxic and ischaemic preconditioning on extracellular K+ concentration change, metabolism, and ventricular function in isolated globally ischaemic rat hearts [5].
  • Inhibition of vasoconstriction by potassium channel opener aprikalim in human conduit arteries used as bypass grafts [12].
  • The assay was used successfully to determine aprikalim pharmacokinetics in mice, monkeys, and dogs [13].
  • In a normothermic (37 degrees C) isolated rabbit heart preparation, aprikalim was found to rapidly shorten the action potential duration and produce cardiac asystole that was maintained during 20 minutes of "no-flow" global ischemia without a rise in end-diastolic pressure [14].

Anatomical context of RP 49356


Associations of RP 49356 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of RP 49356

  • Arteriolar responses to aprikalim (10(-8) and 10(-6) mol/L), a pharmacological activator of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, and iloprost (0.1 and 1 microgram/mL), a physiological activator of these channels, were determined before and 1, 2, and 4 hours after a 10-minute period of total global ischemia [24].
  • In rat Langendorff-perfused heart with base-line coronary flow reduced by the addition of ET-1 to the perfusion medium, nicorandil and aprikalim increased coronary flow, while nitroglycerin did not [25].
  • In contrast, aprikalim did not significantly depress the contraction induced by ET-1 (p > 0.05) [26].
  • The inside-out patch clamp technique was used to record the effects of K+ channel openers (EMD 52692, RP 49356 and Cromakalim) on single channel currents in membrane blebs of human skeletal muscle [27].
  • Aprikalim is a potent, specific, and selective opener of ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RP 49356

  • However, administration of aprikalim immediately before reperfusion had no beneficial effect [2].
  • The mechanism whereby RP 49356, a novel potassium channel opener, activates ATP-sensitive K+ channels (K+-ATP channels) in isolated cardiac cells was investigated with the patch-clamp technique [15].
  • RESULTS: At constant coronary flow aprikalim reduced perfusion pressure from 53(SEM 5) to 25(1) mm Hg (p < 0.001) in piglet hearts and from 55(5) to 39(5) mm Hg (p < 0.05) in rabbit hearts [11].
  • Aprikalim also attenuated significantly the [Ca2+]i elevated during cardioplegia [23].
  • Aprikalim: radioimmunoassay and pharmacokinetic studies in mouse, monkey, and dog [13].


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