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Chemical Compound Review

CHEMBL1234168     [(5S)-5-amino-5-carboxy- pentyl]-trimethyl...

Synonyms: CHEBI:17311, LS-101538, AC1L98PV, 66989-56-8, M3L, ...
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Disease relevance of CHEMBL1234168


High impact information on CHEMBL1234168


Biological context of CHEMBL1234168

  • The products of methylation of F3 were mono-, di-, and trimethyllysine in an approximate molar ratio of 0.55:1.0:0.35 [8].
  • Following receptor-mediated endocytosis of trimethyllysine-labeled asialofetuin and agalacto-orosomucoid by liver parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells, respectively, the glycoproteins are degraded and the methylated lysine residues released [9].
  • The actin-binding domain of crayfish troponin I, which displays 57% sequence homology with vertebrate troponin Is, possesses 2 unusual trimethyllysine residues [10].
  • The consensus sequence of this domain in five troponin Is is as follows: D-L-R-G-K-F-X-R*-P-X-L-R*-R*-V, where R+ stands for Arg/Lys, R* for Arg/trimethyllysine, and X for any amino acid residue [10].
  • The effect of electrostatic charge modifications and steric changes on the kinetics has been determined by experimental and theoretical observations of the electron-transfer rates of ycytc mutants K79A, K'72A, K79A/K'72A, and R38A (K' is used to signify trimethyllysine (Tml)) [11].

Anatomical context of CHEMBL1234168


Associations of CHEMBL1234168 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of CHEMBL1234168


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CHEMBL1234168


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