Chemical Compound Review:
AC1O5GYL (E)-docos-2-enoic acid
Docosenoic acid
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- Synthesis and estimation of calorific value of a structured lipid-potential reduced calorie fat. Kanjilal, S., Prasad, R.B., Kaimal, T.N., Ghafoorunissa, n.u.l.l., Rao, S.H. Lipids (1999)
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- Observation of a two-step mechanism in the formation of a superstructure of cadmium-behenic acid Langmuir monolayer: evidence of an intermediate structure. Cantin, S., Pignat, J., Perrot, F., Fontaine, P., Goldmann, M. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics . (2004)
- Diagnostic patterns of very-long-chain fatty acids in plasma of patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Paik, M.J., Kim, K.R., Yoon, H.R., Kim, H.J. J. Chromatogr. B Biomed. Sci. Appl. (2001)
- Characterization of fatty acid elongation system in porcine neutrophil microsomes. Kugi, M., Yoshida, S., Takeshita, M. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1990)
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- Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) supplementation associated with reduced skin test lesional area in horses with Culicoides hypersensitivity. O'Neill, W., McKee, S., Clarke, A.F. Can. J. Vet. Res. (2002)