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Chemical Compound Review

AC1O5GYL     (E)-docos-2-enoic acid

Synonyms: Docosenoic acid
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Disease relevance of Docosenoic acid


High impact information on Docosenoic acid

  • Lack of Elovl3 resulted in a transient decrease in the capacity to elongate saturated fatty acyl-CoAs into very long chain fatty acids, concomitantly with the occurrence of reduced levels of arachidic acid (C20:0) and behenic acid (C22:0) in brown adipose tissue during the initial cold stress [3].
  • When correlated with the excellent cardiovascular health of Greenland eskimos, the docosenoic acid data suggest that current concern as to the impact of dietary docosenoic acids on the human myocardium, largely based on animal feeding studies, may be exaggerated [4].
  • Olestra formulations made with specific fatty acid compositions, particularly those containing a solid sucrose polyester component including behenic acid, possess appropriate rheology to hinder separation of oil from the rest of the fecal matrix, thereby reducing gastrointestinal symptoms [5].
  • Estimated calorific value of the SL was 5.36 kcal/g. Most of the behenic acid fed was excreted, as indicated by the analysis of the fatty acids of plasma and fecal total lipid [6].
  • The programmable release of pentoxifylline from a dry-coated wax matrix tablet containing behenic acid as wax matrix was investigated at 37 degrees C in Japanese Pharmacopeia XII 1st (pH 1.2) and 2nd (pH 6.8) fluids [7].

Anatomical context of Docosenoic acid


Associations of Docosenoic acid with other chemical compounds

  • In experiments II and III, rendered pig fat was compared to commercial lard containing 0.2% docosenoic acid, commercial lard to which 5.4% free erucic acid was added, and Span rapeseed oil [11].
  • The effect of subphase pH (5.5 and 10.5) on the structure of behenic-acid monolayers was investigated during Mg(2+) adsorption by means of Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXD) and Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM) [12].
  • By means of grazing incidence x-ray diffraction, the structure of a behenic acid monolayer spread over chloride salt solutions of cadmium is observed to evolve from the tilted L2 phase to the superstructure (corresponding to an organized monolayer of ions in addition to the ordered organic film), through an intermediate phase [13].
  • Plasma VLCFA compositions of 58 normal subjects and 16 X-ALD patients were examined by gas chromatography as their methyl esters to determine the area percentages of behenic acid (C22:0), lignoceric acid (C24:0) and hexacosanoic acid (C26:0) in the total fatty acids, and the concentration (microg/ml) of C26:0 [14].
  • The synthesis of behenic acid (22:0) was slightly inhibited by 0.5 mM N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) present in the assay mixture, whereas the pre-treatment of microsomes with 0.5 mM NEM largely inhibited the synthesis of 22:0 from 20:0-CoA [15].

Gene context of Docosenoic acid

  • Uptake of the docosenoic acid during the first 6 hr of incubation was 41 nM/hr/mg protein in 7-day old cells and 29 nM/hr/mg protein in 14-day old cells [16].
  • No sample contained eicosatrienoic acid, 20:3 omega 9 (ETA) which, dependent on analytical methods, may be difficult to separate from behenic acid (22:0) [17].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Docosenoic acid

  • Fatty acid analysis by gas chromatography shows that the insoluble membrane fraction from both cortical and nuclear fibers comprises a special class of long (C22) saturated fatty acids (behenic acid) [18].
  • Results showed that supplementation with flaxseed for 42 days in our experimental horses reduced the mean skin test response to Culicoides sp. This observation was concurrent with a significant decrease in the long-chain saturated fatty acids; behenic acid (22:0) and lignoceric acid (24:0), in the hair of horses receiving flaxseed [19].


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