Gene Review:
Eef1a1 - eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1...
Mus musculus
EF-1-alpha-1, EF-Tu, Eef1a, Elongation factor 1-alpha 1, Elongation factor Tu, ...
- Expression of a gene for mouse eucaryotic elongation factor Tu during murine erythroleukemic cell differentiation. Roth, W.W., Bragg, P.W., Corrias, M.V., Reddy, N.S., Dholakia, J.N., Wahba, A.J. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1987)
- Polypeptide chain elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) from yeast: nucleotide sequence of one of the two genes for EF-1 alpha from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nagata, S., Nagashima, K., Tsunetsugu-Yokota, Y., Fujimura, K., Miyazaki, M., Kaziro, Y. EMBO J. (1984)
- The lethal mutation of the mouse wasted (wst) is a deletion that abolishes expression of a tissue-specific isoform of translation elongation factor 1alpha, encoded by the Eef1a2 gene. Chambers, D.M., Peters, J., Abbott, C.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1998)
- Peptide elongation factor eEF1A-2/S1 expression in cultured differentiated myotubes and its protective effect against caspase-3-mediated apoptosis. Ruest, L.B., Marcotte, R., Wang, E. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Tissue-specific expression in mammalian brain, heart, and muscle of S1, a member of the elongation factor-1 alpha gene family. Lee, S., Francoeur, A.M., Liu, S., Wang, E. J. Biol. Chem. (1992)
- Isolation and characterization of the rat chromosomal gene for a polypeptide (pS1) antigenically related to statin. Ann, D.K., Moutsatsos, I.K., Nakamura, T., Lin, H.H., Mao, P.L., Lee, M.J., Chin, S., Liem, R.K., Wang, E. J. Biol. Chem. (1991)
- Mouse translation elongation factor eEF1A-2 interacts with Prdx-I to protect cells against apoptotic death induced by oxidative stress. Chang, R., Wang, E. J. Cell. Biochem. (2007)
- Immuno-characterization of the switch of peptide elongation factors eEF1A-1/EF-1alpha and eEF1A-2/S1 in the central nervous system during mouse development. Pan, J., Ruest, L.B., Xu, S., Wang, E. Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. (2004)
- Characterization of a Goalpha mutant that binds xanthine nucleotides. Yu, B., Slepak, V.Z., Simon, M.I. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- Methylation of elongation factor 1 alpha in mouse 3T3B and 3T3B/SV40 cells. Coppard, N.J., Clark, B.F., Cramer, F. FEBS Lett. (1983)
- Incorporation of [3H]ethanolamine into a single cytosolic protein in a cell free system: ethanolaminylation of EF-1 alpha in vitro. Whiteheart, S.W., Hart, G.W. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1994)
- Expression of Fas ligand in murine ovary. Guo, M.W., Xu, J.P., Mori, E., Sato, E., Saito, S., Mori, T. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. (1997)
- Identification of Fas antigen associated with apoptotic cell death in murine ovary. Guo, M.W., Mori, E., Xu, J.P., Mori, T. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1994)
- A surface-exposed region of G(salpha) in which substitutions decrease receptor-mediated activation and increase receptor affinity. Grishina, G., Berlot, C.H. Mol. Pharmacol. (2000)
- Efficient ex vivo gene transfer into non-human primate hepatocytes using HIV-1 derived lentiviral vectors. Parouchev, A., Nguyen, T.H., Dagher, I., Mainot, S., Groyer-Picard, M.T., Branger, J., Gonin, P., Di Santo, J., Franco, D., Gras, G., Weber, A. J. Hepatol. (2006)
- Translational repression of EF-1 alpha mRNA in vitro. Slobin, L.I., Rao, M.N. Eur. J. Biochem. (1993)
- A common multiple cloning site in a set of vectors for expression of eukaryotic genes in mammalian, insect and bacterial cells. Pallisgaard, N., Pedersen, F.S., Birkelund, S., Jørgensen, P. Gene (1994)