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Gene Review

EEF1A1  -  eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CCS-3, CCS3, EE1A1, EEF-1, EEF1A, ...
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Disease relevance of EEF1A1

  • To generate specific tools for, in particular, localization studies of the eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A), we have applied phage display in various formats to affinity-improve and map epitopes of two previously isolated, low-affinity single-chain Fv (scFv) G3 and D1 [1].
  • In contrast, PTI-1 RNA is not detected in human melanoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, normal cerebellum, or glioblastoma multiforme cell lines [2].
  • By using a pair of primers recognizing a 280-bp region within the 630-bp 5' PTI-1 sequence, reverse transcription-PCR detects PTI-1 expression in patient-derived prostate carcinomas but not in normal prostate or benign hypertrophic prostate tissue [2].
  • A putative dominant-acting nude mouse prostatic carcinoma tumor-inducing gene, PTI-1, has been cloned that is expressed in patient-derived human prostatic carcinomas but not in benign prostatic hypertrophy or normal prostate tissue [2].
  • The EFG1-mutant patient had early-onset Leigh syndrome, whereas the EFTu-mutant patient had severe infantile macrocystic leukodystrophy with micropolygyria [3].

High impact information on EEF1A1


Chemical compound and disease context of EEF1A1


Biological context of EEF1A1

  • The aptameric oligonucleotides GT were found to exert a selective, specific and dose-dependent cell growth inhibition effect on a variety of human cancer cells by recognising specific nuclear proteins and among these in particular an isoform of the eukaryotic elongation factor 1A1 (EEF1A1) [13].
  • Screening a human prostatic carcinoma (LNCaP) cDNA library with a 214-bp DNA fragment found by DD permitted the cloning of a full-length 2.0-kb PTI-1 cDNA [2].
  • Sequence analysis indicates that PTI-1 is a gene containing a 630-bp 5' sequence and a 3' sequence homologous to a truncated and mutated form of human elongation factor 1 alpha [2].
  • These results indicate that PTI-1 may be a member of a class of oncogenes that could affect protein translation and contribute to carcinoma development in human prostate and other tissues [2].
  • Fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to observe aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) stably accommodating into the aminoacyl site (A site) of the ribosome via a multistep, elongation factor-Tu dependent process [14].

Anatomical context of EEF1A1

  • In eukaryotic cells the concentration of EF-1 alpha exceeds that of the complex beta gamma delta by a factor of 5-10 [15].
  • Apparently, the common characteristic of these GTPases is an extensive consensus structural unit that possibly accounts for a similar interaction with the ribosome and is composed of two domains homologous to the G domain and domain II in EF-Tu and EF-G [16].
  • Over-expression of either EFTu or EFTs in control and patient fibroblasts produced dominant negative effects, indicating that the relative abundance of these factors is an important determinant of translation efficiency [17].
  • We discuss the possible role of EF-Tumt chaperone activity in protein quality control in mitochondria, with regard to the recently reported in vivo chaperone function of eEF1A [18].
  • Retinol-regulated gene expression in human tracheobronchial epithelial cells. Enhanced expression of elongation factor EF-1 alpha [19].

Associations of EEF1A1 with chemical compounds

  • Subsequent analysis identified the translation elongation factor, eEF1A, and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor, eEF1Bbeta, as TCTP-interacting partners [20].
  • This novel posttranslational modification may represent an important alteration of EF-1 alpha, comparable to the regulatory effects of posttranslational methylation of EF-1 alpha lysine residues [21].
  • EF-1 beta gamma decreases the amount of EF-1 alpha required for polyphenylalanine synthesis about 20-fold [22].
  • Although entry of the charged transfer messenger RNA (tmRNA) into the ribosome proceeded in the absence of elongation factor (EF-Tu) and in the presence of EF-Tu and the antibiotic kirromycin, evidence was found for the involvement of EF-Tu in trans-translation initiation [23].
  • Metabolic radiolabeling with [3H] ethanolamine shows that, in all cells examined, EF-1 alpha is the major radiolabeled protein [21].

Physical interactions of EEF1A1


Regulatory relationships of EEF1A1

  • EF-1 beta gamma enhances the ability to EF-1 alpha to support the binding of Phe-tRNA to the ribosomes and enhances the GTPase activity of EF-1 alpha [22].
  • Association of the 5'HS4 sequence of the chicken beta-globin locus control region with human EF1 alpha gene promoter induces ubiquitous and high expression of human CD55 and CD59 cDNAs in transgenic rabbits [26].
  • To evaluate enzyme replacement therapy for GSD II patients, we have expressed human GAA cDNA in Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells utilising a vector that places the cDNA under the transcriptional control of the human polypeptide chain elongation factor 1 alpha gene promoter [27].

Other interactions of EEF1A1

  • Additionally, MS analysis also identified eEF1A as a TCTP interactor [20].
  • Two differentially expressed isoforms of eEF1A, designated eEF1A-1 and eEF1A-2, are found in mammals [28].
  • Two candidate genes, EEF1A1 and IMPG1, were selected from the region between D6S280 and D6S1644 markers where the families are linked [29].
  • It can also export the RNA binding proteins ILF3 and elongation factor EF1A [30].
  • Southern analysis indicates that EF-1 beta in the human genome, like EF-1 alpha, appears to be specified by more than one gene [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of EEF1A1


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