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Gene Review

Kera  -  keratocan

Mus musculus

Synonyms: CNA2, KTN, Keratan sulfate proteoglycan keratocan, Keratocan, Ktcn, ...
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Disease relevance of Kera


High impact information on Kera


Biological context of Kera

  • Keratocan (Kera), a corneal keratan sulfate proteoglycan, maps to the distal end of mouse chromosome 10 [5].
  • The mouse keratocan gene spans approximately 6.5 kilobases of the mouse genome and contains three exons and two introns [4].
  • The identification of keratocyte-specific expression of betaGal reporter gene in the adult transgenic mice is an important first step in characterizing the Ktcn promoter in order to use it to drive a foreign gene expression in corneal stroma [6].
  • The mouse keratocan gene (Ktcn) expression tracks the corneal morphogenesis during eye development and becomes restricted to keratocytes of the adult, implicating a cornea-specific gene regulation of the mouse Ktcn [J. Biol. Chem., 273 (1998) 22584-22588] [6].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest keratocan and lumican are down-regulated during wound healing at 6 weeks and returned to higher levels at 12 weeks post-injury; implicating that the cells repopulating the injured corneal stroma regained the characteristic function of keratocytes independent of the wound types [7].

Anatomical context of Kera

  • CONCLUSIONS: On average, throughout the whole depth of the corneal stroma, collagen fibrils in mimecan-null mice, unlike collagen fibrils in lumican-null mice and keratocan-null mice, are of a normal diameter and are normally spaced and arranged [8].

Associations of Kera with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Kera

  • Sphere cells subcultured on plastic exhibited a dendritic morphology characteristic of keratocytes, and maintained keratocan, Aldh, and CD34 expression in serum-free medium [9].
  • This indicates that, compared with lumican and keratocan, mimecan has a lesser role in the control of stromal architecture in mouse cornea [8].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Kera


  1. Excess biglycan causes eyelid malformation by perturbing muscle development and TGF-alpha signaling. Hayashi, Y., Liu, C.Y., Jester, J.J., Hayashi, M., Wang, I.J., Funderburgh, J.L., Saika, S., Roughley, P.J., Kao, C.W., Kao, W.W. Dev. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Keratocan, a cornea-specific keratan sulfate proteoglycan, is regulated by lumican. Carlson, E.C., Liu, C.Y., Chikama, T., Hayashi, Y., Kao, C.W., Birk, D.E., Funderburgh, J.L., Jester, J.V., Kao, W.W. J. Biol. Chem. (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. PITX2 gain-of-function in Rieger syndrome eye model. Holmberg, J., Liu, C.Y., Hjalt, T.A. Am. J. Pathol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. The cloning of mouse keratocan cDNA and genomic DNA and the characterization of its expression during eye development. Liu, C.Y., Shiraishi, A., Kao, C.W., Converse, R.L., Funderburgh, J.L., Corpuz, L.M., Conrad, G.W., Kao, W.W. J. Biol. Chem. (1998) [Pubmed]
  5. Keratocan (Kera), a corneal keratan sulfate proteoglycan, maps to the distal end of mouse chromosome 10. Funderburgh, J.L., Perchellet, A.L., Swiergiel, J., Conrad, G.W., Justice, M.J. Genomics (1998) [Pubmed]
  6. Identification of a 3.2 kb 5'-flanking region of the murine keratocan gene that directs beta-galactosidase expression in the adult corneal stroma of transgenic mice. Liu, C., Arar, H., Kao, C., Kao, W.W. Gene (2000) [Pubmed]
  7. Altered KSPG expression by keratocytes following corneal injury. Carlson, E.C., Wang, I.J., Liu, C.Y., Brannan, P., Kao, C.W., Kao, W.W. Mol. Vis. (2003) [Pubmed]
  8. An x-ray diffraction study of corneal structure in mimecan-deficient mice. Beecher, N., Carlson, C., Allen, B.R., Kipchumba, R., Conrad, G.W., Meek, K.M., Quantock, A.J. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2005) [Pubmed]
  9. Serum-free spheroid culture of mouse corneal keratocytes. Yoshida, S., Shimmura, S., Shimazaki, J., Shinozaki, N., Tsubota, K. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2005) [Pubmed]
  10. The role of lumican and keratocan genes in persistent subepithelial corneal haze following excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy. Szabó, V., Balogh, K., Süveges, I., Rácz, K., Hunyady, L., Nagy, Z.Z. Mol. Vis. (2006) [Pubmed]
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