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Gene Review

MYDGF  -  myeloid-derived growth factor

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: C19orf10, EUROIMAGE1875335, IL-25, IL-27, IL25, ...
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Disease relevance of C19orf10


Psychiatry related information on C19orf10

  • Functional status was assessed by questionnaires characterizing walking ability (Walking Impairment Questionnaire, WIQ), habitual physical activity level (Physical Activity Recall, PAR), and physical, social, and role functioning, well-being, and overall health (Medical Outcomes Study SF-20, MOS) [5].
  • A short, psychiatric, case-finding measure for HIV seropositive outpatients: performance characteristics of the 5-item mental health subscale of the SF-20 in a male, seropositive sample [6].
  • Gender differences in patients with bipolar disorder influence outcome in the medical outcomes survey (SF-20) subscale scores [7].

High impact information on C19orf10

  • We now show that IL-25 also regulates the development of autoimmune inflammation mediated by IL-17-producing T cells [2].
  • Thus, IL-25 and IL-17, being members of the same cytokine family, play opposing roles in the pathogenesis of organ-specific autoimmunity [2].
  • Interleukin 25 regulates type 2 cytokine-dependent immunity and limits chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract [8].
  • We demonstrate that these IL-25-regulated cells appear rapidly in the draining lymph nodes, implicating them as a source of type 2 cytokines during initiation of worm expulsion [9].
  • In contrast, administration of recombinant IL-25 in vivo induces the appearance of NBNT, c-kit(+), FcepsilonR1(-) cells and leads to rapid worm expulsion that is T and B cell independent, but type 2 cytokine dependent [9].

Biological context of C19orf10

  • IL-25 gene expression was detected following Aspergillus and Nippostrongylus infection in the lung and gut, respectively [1].
  • IL-25-induced AHR is dependent on the production of Th type-2 cytokines, and removal of IL-13 and its signal transduction pathway prevents IL-25-induced airways inflammation and AHR [10].
  • IL-25 potently induces inflammatory cascades that may exacerbate allergic airways inflammation by promoting Th type-2 cytokine responses in conjunction with the up-regulation of factors (eotaxin and arg-I) that can amplify inflammation associated with allergic disorders [10].

Anatomical context of C19orf10

  • RESULTS: Viability of eosinophils was significantly enhanced by IL-25 from 41% to 76% dose-dependently [11].
  • Recently, it has been demonstrated that a novel IL-17 family cytokine IL-25 (IL-17E) is a product of activated Th2 cells and mast cells [12].

Associations of C19orf10 with chemical compounds

  • IL-27, which could mimic the effect of IL-12, was however less potent in inducing IFN-gamma production in the presence of CsA and TCR stimulation [13].

Other interactions of C19orf10

  • The association of the components of the BILAG index with health status as measured with the MOS Short Form 20 (SF-20), with patients' and doctors' global assessments of patient wellbeing and with laboratory tests was analysed with Spearman rank correlations [14].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C19orf10

  • Health-related quality of life was assessed with the Medical Outcomes Study SF-20 General Health Survey. RESULTS: Women were more likely than men to have at least one mental disorder (43% versus 33%, P < 0.05) [15].
  • METHODS: One hundred and five SLE patients completed the Medical Outcome Survey (MOS) SF-20 during their regular clinic visit [16].


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  2. IL-25 regulates Th17 function in autoimmune inflammation. Kleinschek, M.A., Owyang, A.M., Joyce-Shaikh, B., Langrish, C.L., Chen, Y., Gorman, D.M., Blumenschein, W.M., McClanahan, T., Brombacher, F., Hurst, S.D., Kastelein, R.A., Cua, D.J. J. Exp. Med. (2007) [Pubmed]
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