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Gene Review

REV3  -  Rev3p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: DNA polymerase zeta catalytic subunit, P2535, PSO1, Protein reversionless 3, YPL167C
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Disease relevance of REV3


High impact information on REV3


Biological context of REV3

  • The mms2 mutant also displayed a REV3-dependent mutator phenotype, strongly suggesting that the MMS2 gene functions in the error-free postreplication repair pathway, parallel to the REV3 mutagenesis pathway [6].
  • Alteration of ultraviolet-induced mutagenesis in yeast through molecular modulation of the REV3 and REV7 gene expression [7].
  • SNM1, REV3, and RAD51 were disrupted in the same haploid strain, singly and in combination [8].
  • Epistatic participation of REV1 and REV3 in the formation of UV-induced frameshift mutations in cell cycle-arrested yeast cells [9].
  • While the sensitivity of a rev3 Delta mutant indicates Pol zeta is needed for optimal ICL repair, isogenic cells deficient in Pol eta (rad30 Delta cells) were not significantly more sensitive to ICL agents than wild-type cells, and have no S-phase delay [8].

Anatomical context of REV3


Associations of REV3 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of REV3

  • Importantly, a rev1 mutant that lacks the C-terminal 72 residues which inactivate interaction with Rev3 exhibits the same high degree of UV sensitivity and defectiveness in UV-induced mutagenesis as that conferred by the rev1Delta mutation [16].
  • We find that the rev3 mutations reduce the frequency of UV-induced reversion of all of the cyc1 alleles, though different classes of alleles respond to a different extent [17].
  • However, the rev3 deletion does not affect methylation damage-induced killing and mutagenesis of the mgt1 mutant, suggesting that endogenous alkyl lesions may be different from O6-MeG [12].

Other interactions of REV3

  • Genetic analyses indicate that the mms2 mutation is hypostatic to rad6 and rad18 but is synergistic with the rev3 mutation, and the mms2 mutant is proficient in UV-induced mutagenesis [6].
  • Some discontinuities accumulate in the absence of RAD30-encoded DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) but not in the absence of REV3-encoded DNA Polzeta [18].
  • Human homologues of the yeast REV1 and REV3 have been identified and, based on the phenotype of cells producing antisense RNA to one or other of these genes, their products appear also to be employed in translation replication and spontaneous mutagenesis [19].
  • Consequently, it is proposed that PSO1 and RAD3 genes govern steps in the independent pathways [20].
  • Yeast mutants, snm1 (pso2-1), rev3 (pso1-1), and rad51, which display significant sensitivity to interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) have low relative sensitivity to other DNA damaging agents [8].


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